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Our Latest Improvements & Fixes

Sonia avatar
Shared by Sonia • April 17, 2024

At Skilljar we believe innovation never stops. Below is a round-up since March of the feature releases and improvements we've made to make Skilljar better for you!

🔍 Go Behind the Dashboard with Skilljar: Skilljar is always working behind the scenes to ensure your Academy is best-in-class. Check out our latest SCORM analytics enhancement, Group API update, and more. Little things can go a long way to improve your experience.

New Salesforce Integration Settings: There are two new options on the Salesforce Integration page within the Skilljar dashboard! The first allows users to control what happens with a Linked Contact when there’s no match in Salesforce, and the second is the ability to enable or disable High Volume APIs, which could reduce API calls to Salesforce by more than 50%.

Group Level Discount: Admins now have the ability to set specific percent discounts for different groups for all purchasable objects, enhancing flexibility and customization in pricing strategies. This also allows for both group discounts and promo codes, applying them sequentially for additional savings.

Content Creation and Group Level Discount API Endpoints: Skilljar has made it possible to create courses and content without the need to log into the dashboard. For users utilizing Skilljar's API or 3rd-Party Content Management Systems, you'll be able to:

  • Create and structure Courses, Lessons, and Lesson Content Items via API
  • Assign Web Packages, Videos, and Quizzes to a Lesson via API

We've also introduced an API endpoint for managing group-level discounts, enabling automation and scalability in discount management.

Stay tuned for more updates on feature releases and improvements to our platform. If you ever spot a bug or improvement needed feel free to email .