We are committed to making Sprout better for you. Continuous improvement.
For 540 weeks (and counting), we’ve been relentlessly committed to the photography industry and making the best all-in-one business tool for photographers. Sprout gets better every day.
This week, you can enjoy 11 updates. They are:
This week, you’ll also enjoy our spotlight of the week
Over 8 million dates are recorded in Sprout. If you have Google Calendar syncing turned on and a busy schedule with recurring dates, you likely have a lot of them, too.
Your Sprout Studio dashboard loads all your dates for the next 7 days by default every time you visit it. While this might not seem significant, parsing through 8 million dates and processing recurring ones can slow down your dashboard’s initial load time.
Many users don’t need to see their dates on the dashboard, preferring to use a calendar for that. Instead, you might want to focus on upcoming invoices, expiring galleries, and other important tasks.
So why slow down your Sprout experience unnecessarily?
Now, you turn off dates on your dashboard and save that customization settings. Here’s how:
That setting is saved every time you return to your dashboard, so Sprout won’t load all of your dates each time. This results in a much faster and smoother experience using Sprout!
Alex, a Senior Developer on our team, had this to say about it:
“I’ve noticed that a user’s Sprout experience can slow down if it tries to load too much at once. While it’s not a major issue on its own, the delays can add up, so I understand why our users would be excited for a more responsive Sprout. Even on my local testing account, it can sometimes take a while to get going, so this is definitely something I am going to use personally!”