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Product update

Release notes August 12th 2024

Nidhis avatar
Shared by Nidhis • August 12, 2024

Hi there,

We love hearing your feedback and fixing what is most important to you. Here’s what’s updated in the latest version of Sumtracker!

Logic to update inventory for Non-Stocked Locations in Shopify:

The logic for updating inventory in non-stocked locations has been improved. Previously, if a location was not enabled on Shopify for a product, updating inventory in Sumtracker would enable that location and update the inventory on Shopify.

With the new update, if a location is not enabled in Shopify for a product, inventory updates in Sumtracker will no longer enable the location or update it on Shopify. Learn more.

Enhancements to Purchase Orders (PO):

  • Products will now be added to POs in the order you select them.
  • We’ve introduced the option to sort the product in the order in which you added them. So you can sort them to see the most recently added products on top, or visa versa.
  • The default quantity for products added to a PO will now be set to 0, allowing you to edit as needed.
  • In the exported PO file, the 'pwot' column has been renamed to 'price' for clarity.

We hope these updates improves your experience with Sumtracker. Keep the feedbacks coming!

Feature update

Release notes July 26th 2024

Ankit avatar
Shared by Ankit • August 08, 2024

Hi there,

We would like to share whats updated in the latest version of Sumtracker.

The Days of inventory remaining report has been fixed now. It was not working for certain customers having large number of products or multiple warehouses. It has been fixed now.

Updates for Purchase orders (PO):

  • You can now add upto 10 other people in cc when emailing PO to suppliers. You can save the people to cc in the supplier details. It will be automatically picked up when emailing the PO.
  • PO totals, PO number and supplier can be checked on the Products tab of the PO in the bottom bar
  • You can check the totals for receive notes in the receive notes table.
  • When you save the PDF print file, its name will be the PO number
  • We've added the index number for each line.