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Release notes March 10th 2025

Ankit avatar
Shared by Ankit • March 10, 2025

This update comes with some huge changes that make Sumtracker much more simpler and intuitive to work with.

Changes in Purchase prices and Product list

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  1. Purchase prices are now referred to as Product-Supplier relation. They are accessible from Product list, Product details and Supplier details pages. The common purchase price list has been removed
  2. Primary suppliers are displayed in the product list. You can import the primary suppliers and its related details from the product list directly
  3. For each supplier, you can save 1 set of Supplier SKU, Cost per unit, Shipping price per unit, Pack size, UOM, MOQ and Lead time. You cannot add multiple cost prices, pack size or MOQ for the same supplier.
  4. Pack description has been renamed to UOM
  5. Cost per item in Product is renamed to “Average Cost Price”. This is the weighted average landed cost of the product.

Close at quantity

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Close at quantity is moved to inventory page.

How it works for bundles?

Close at quantity needs to be set for components. It does not need to be set for bundles. The bundles will be marked as sold out based on the close at quantity of component products.

How it works for Non-Shopify channels?

Close at quantity is applied for each warehouse separately and then aggregated for the warehouses connected to each store. The aggregated values are updated to your store.

Pack sizes

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We are changing the way Pack sizes have to be entered in PO. If Pack size is greater than 1, you have to enter the quantity in multiples of pack size in the PO. For example, if a pack size is saved as 12, then quantity in PO must be added as 12, 24 or 36 and so on. You can also change the Pack size to 1 for any product in the PO itself.

Lead time

Lead time is moved from Products to Product-Supplier relation. You can now set a supplier specific lead time for each product.

Stock levels

  • Bundle stock levels have been removed from the inventory page and are now only on the bundles list page
  • Email button on the inventory page will provide only the non bundle inventory
  • Email button is added to Bundle list for getting bundle stock report

Public API

  • New public API to be released and old API will be removed by June end