Latest News from Enrollsy
Feature update

Invoice Details

Ty avatar
Shared by Ty • February 16, 2023

Hi there,

I've updated the invoicing section inside Payment Plans to include a new option allowing users to determine the dates of service for which that Invoice is applied.

For instance, if your Invoices for a certain Payment Plan are due on the 15th of the month, you can now specify that those Invoices are for service rendered in the next month. This new feature gives you preset and custom control over the Invoice Memo that is added to Invoices in Payment Plans.

Or, if you Invoice weekly on Friday, you can specify that the Invoice is for services the following week from Monday - Friday (or the previous week, or any other way you do it).

You can read more about how to use this feature here.

New feature


Nathan avatar
Shared by Nathan • January 23, 2023

Hi there,

I recently released a feature we're calling Browse. It's a long anticipated and impactful feature.

Prior to this release, the only way a customer could view your offerings was to find them on your website or get two steps deep into the enrollment process (sometimes they did so, only to discover their desired Program or Class was full).

Today, I'm announcing that your customers can now browse all your offerings in one place, before they enroll. The best part is, you don't have to do anything other than add the details inside Enrollsy and publish the page when you're ready. Then, we generate a preview page your customer can browse when looking to enroll.

Read more about this feature in Enrollsy's Support Center.

Feature update

Announcing Room Transfers

Tyler avatar
Shared by Tyler • December 13, 2022

Hi there,

I've just released a new default Activity called Room Transfers. We don't anticipate this being a feature everyone will need or want, but here's a quick summary of why we released it and some background on the changes we've made leading up to this release.

Click here for the help article about how to use Room Transfers.

About Activities in Enrollsy

Activities are events you wish to keep a history of. They could be photos, notes, present/absent, or anything else.

Activities are stored in what's called an Activity Timeline. Activities may be posted by Admins, Instructors, or Account Holders. They can be viewed by Admins, and rules can be set to determine whether or not Instructors or Account Holders can view them or not. Learn more here.

Enrollsy currently has three Activity Timelines:

  1. Enrollee Timeline
  2. Class Timeline
  3. Instructor Timeline

Enrollee Activities are the most commonly used and supported at this time.

Class Activities (beyond the Enter/Exit Class button in the Instructor App) have been limited to being posted by Admin users, with the most common one being the Enter/Exit Activity, which we will discuss more below.

Instructor Activities are also currently only postable by the Admin (outside of the kiosk Check-in/out for Instructors).

We anticipate more functionality for Class and Instructor timelines in the future.

Prior to this release, Enrollee Activities have not been specific to Class. We realize that some users were okay with this; however, for our product to work for the current scenarios we support, we had to make a change.

As of early December, Enrollsy requires Activities to be posted to an Enrollee's Timeline within the context of a Class. We know this was disruptive for some, but it set the table for this important feature of Room Transfers.

What is a Room Transfer?

Every Class inside Enrollsy has the ability to keep track of two things:

  1. The number of Enrollees enrolled in the Class
  2. The number of Instructors assigned to the Class

With these two numbers, we are able to determine what in early childhood education and childcare (an industry in which Enrollsy has significant presence), is called a room ratio. Room ratios are often regulated at the state level and require educators and service providers to meet certain standards regarding the number of adults present in a room compared to the number of children.

When an Instructor arrives and Enters a Class, the ratio is 1:0. When the first Enrollee is checked-in, the ratio is updated to 1:1. And so on until all the Instructors and Enrollees are present. The ratio may end up being 2:16 or something like that.

When an Instructor is going to miss work, that absence impacts room ratios. To adjust, many times Enrollees from one Class are transferred to another to balance ratios. This is called a Room Transfer. Essentially, these Enrollees are transferred out of the care of one or more Instructors, and into the care of another or other Instructor(s).

This transfer is significant because the safety of the Enrollee may depend on the accuracy of the information, and also, the meeting of state requirements for room ratios is related.

Now, without having to toggle back and forth between Classes, Instructors are able to see Enrollees who have been transferred to their Class and continue to post Activities on their Timelines. Click here to read a detailed outline of how Room Transfers work.


Updated Holiday Calendar

Ty avatar
Shared by Ty • October 21, 2022

Hi there,

Today I released an update to the Holiday Calendar. This improvement opens up the ability to add multi-day breaks to Holiday Calendars with just a few clicks.

Next time you add/edit a Class or a Program you will see this new Holiday Calendar:

New feature

Deposits Functionality

Ty avatar
Shared by Ty • October 21, 2022

Hi there,

Today I released Enrollsy's new Deposits feature. This feature applies fine grained control to how a Charge Item functioning as a deposit works.

What is a Deposit?

While people use the word Deposit in different ways, we've noticed the majority of our clients use Deposits to collect a payment at enrollment as a payment against a future balance due.

Deposits - The Old Way

  1. Create a Charge Item called Deposit
  2. Add the Deposit and its cost to a Program or Class
  3. Subtract the Deposit from the cost of the Tuition Charge Item (or Class Fee or whatever you call your primary cost)

The downside to this old system is that the Deposit wasn't actually applying to Tution. Often, clients were required to reduce their final Tuition payment to take account for the Deposit on each Payment Plan.

This was problematic for accounting and a variety of other reasons.

Deposits - The New Way

  1. Create a Charge Item called Deposit or Tuition Deposit or whatever you want
  2. Make sure that you select the option "Due at enrollment" in the Charge Item settings
  3. Decide which Charge Item the Deposit is going to be applied to
  4. Decide how you want the Deposit to apply to Payment Plans (your options are first payment event, last payment event, or distribute evenly)

New feature
Product update

Proration - New Billing System

Ty avatar
Shared by Ty • October 21, 2022

Hi there,

I've published proration today. I know many of our clients on the new billing system have been waiting for this.

More great news is coming as I continue to improve and refine the new billing system, so stay tuned!

Proration In Enrollsy's New Billing System


In order for Prorating to work properly, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Ensure the Enrollment Model indicates when the Program runs or if the pricing is on the Class, make sure the Class dates are set.
  2. When applicable, modify or create your Holiday Calendar if you wish to exclude certain dates from the proration algorithm. In other words, exclude them if you don't want Holidays or Breaks to be included as part of the total cost that gets prorated.
  3. Depending on where you have pricing set, you will now see a Prorating section in the Program or Class. Ensure the Prorating settings include all Charge Items you intend to Prorate. This includes those due at enrollment and those included in any Payment Plan.
  4. As always, run through a quick test enrollment to verify that the settings you've configured are producing the desired outcome.

Here are some quick screenshots from the edit Program page you can follow:

When doe this Program run?

Make sure you update this section:

The New Holiday Calendar

The new Holiday Calendar lets you more easily add and name long breaks:


Follow the simple language to choose how you want prorating to work.

If you need an additional explanation of how proration works, click the "View calculation example" link at the bottom.

The Customer's Proration Experience

When a customer enrolls after a Program or Class has started, or after a Scheduled Payment Plan Payment Event, they will now have the option to select the desired start date based on the settings you created. The start date they select will determine how much they pay at enrollment.

Customers select the first date they will attend:

You'll notice the total cost of the Program is crossed out in each Payment Plan, and the Prorated amount is displayed below.

Feature update

Waitlist Updates

Nathan avatar
Shared by Nathan • October 14, 2022

Hi there,

We know Waitlists are important and we have a lot of work to do here. More on that to come.

For now, I've added two new enhancements that I hope make the Waitlist better for you.

First, you can now see the tags without having to open up the record (by clicking the down arrow).

Second, you can now download your Waitlist by clicking the download icon after selecting one or more Enrollees on the list.

Feature update

Activity Updates

Tyler avatar
Shared by Tyler • October 14, 2022

Hi there,

I added two updates that significantly enhance Activity posting:

  1. You can hide old or unused Activities
  2. You can control who can see Activities that have been posted

Hiding Activities

You can now hide custom Activities you no longer wish to use. Doing so will not hide or delete Activities of that type that have been posted to Timelines in the past. Sweet!

To do so, head over to the Activities tab of the My Company section. Find the Activity you want to hide and flip the switch.

Need to unhide it? No problem. Just scroll up to the top of the page and click the "Show Hidden" button. From there you can flip the switch to un-hide it.

Activity Visibility

Admin users will always be able to see all Activities. But, now you can make certain types of Activities visible only to certain users.

This change updated the settings UI a little, so just be aware that the Instructor or Account Holder must be able to view an Activity if they are going to be allowed to post it.

Why would you want to hide an Activity from an Instructor? Perhaps you want to allow private feedback that only Admins can see. Or, perhaps you don't want to clutter the Instructor's view of the Timeline with things that are only relevant to administrative matters.

Why would you want to hide an Activity from an Account Holder? Maybe you want to keep private, internal notes on an Enrollee. Or, maybe you need a record of something for regulatory reasons, but don't want to clutter the Account Holder's view.

With these new setting on Activities, you may want to consider updating your Notification Center preferences.

New feature
Product update

Schedule Conflicts

Nathan avatar
Shared by Nathan • October 14, 2022

Hi there,

I built a new feature that checks an Enrollee's calendar for conflicts before letting them enroll. In this way, Enrollsy helps your customers avoid making mistakes and doing duplicate enrollments, which in the end saves you time!