Latest News from the NHVR Portal team
Feature update

Ability to create layouts with different vehicle components

Shared by Steven β€’ June 16, 2023

Hi there,

Layouts can now be created using different vehicle components as long as the axle groups and number of axles per group matches the original layout. πŸ™Œ.

Bug fix

QML tri-axle mass table issues fixed

Shared by Steven β€’ June 16, 2023

Hi there,

Issues with the calculation of QML axle group mass limits for tri-axle trailers have been fixed. πŸ™Œ.

Feature update

Truck and dollies and trailers now available

Shared by Steven β€’ June 16, 2023

Hi there,

Truck and dollies and trailers are now available. πŸ™Œ.

Click on the configuration selector and click on Road Train or Truck and Dog to find Truck and dollies and trailers configurations.

Feature update

Split axle group semi-trailers now available

Shared by Steven β€’ June 04, 2023

Hi there,

Split axle group semi-trailers are now available. πŸ™Œ.

Click on the vehicle unit selector to see all available split axle semi-trailer units.

Feature update

Vehicle specification table field widths sizes optimised

Shared by Steven β€’ May 29, 2023

Hi there,

The data entry fields in the vehicle specifications tab have been optimised to fit the expected character widths and for note fields responsive to the screen size. πŸ™Œ.

Previously the field widths were fixed to small sizes limiting visibility of characters.

Feature update

QML1 now defaults to CML limits on load

Shared by Steven β€’ May 29, 2023

Hi there,

For quad axle group configurations, the mas tables generated on create now default the GML and axle group values for QML1 to CML limits. πŸ™Œ.

Previously the QML1 GML and axle group values defaulted to the quad limits (same as QML2).

Note that the maximum limits for QML1 masses are not limited by CML limits.

Bug fix
Feature update

Ability to submit multiple layouts

Shared by Steven β€’ May 28, 2023

Hi there,

A bug preventing submission of multiple layouts while existing layouts remain open for processing has been fixed. πŸ™Œ.

The issue was the result of enforcing the submit disabled rule for Design Approvals submitted prior to the full feature Design Approval form.

Bug fix

Unable to save when mass table changes result in section A or B requirement changes

Shared by Steven β€’ May 28, 2023

Hi there,

A bug preventing saving (or submitting) an application when mass table changes are made has been fixed. πŸ™Œ.

The issue was the result of failure to clear previously selected schedule A or schedule B exemptions when mass table changes result in these exemptions are no longer required.

Feature update
Bug fix

Part B document generation fixes & improvements go live!

Shared by John β€’ May 22, 2023

Hi there,

The automatic generation of Part B documents for Design Approval applications has been updated πŸ™Œ.

Based on feedback we've made the following fixes and improvements:

  • Insert engine torque speed graphs into correct section within document (previously attached to the end of the document)
  • GCM (from the Assessment application step) is added to the Vehicle Physical Characteristics > Mass section of the Part B. If there are multiple GCMs, the maximum GCM should be used.
  • For all Couplings in the Vehicle Specifications > Coupling section, if rear checkbox is checked add β€˜Rear’ to description after β€˜(minimum)’ label with a space.
  • Insert space between unit of measurement and β€˜kN’ label for couplings.
  • Add unit for Driveline clutch engagement after numeric value (with space between).
  • Add thousands separator to value for Driveline clutch engagement.
  • Maintain aspect ratio of images included in DA applications that are transferred to Part B.
  • Populate Power (hp) and Torque (lbf.ft) in Part B when populated in UI.
  • Remove kW and Nm labels from Part B when not populated in UI.
  • When steer or drive checkboxes are checked, add a prefix to relevant row in the Part B.
  • Add notes for differential to Part B.
  • Add note for gearbox to Part B.
Feature update

Enable PDFs for dimension drawings and bridge drawings

Shared by Steven β€’ May 22, 2023

PDFs can now be uploaded for dimension drawings and bridge drawings. πŸ™Œ.

Previously only image formats could be uploaded, which was to enable automatic generation of the Part A and Part B documents. Now the PDFs are automatically converted into images for the automatic generation of the Part A and Part B documents.