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Add guides and share demos with ease!

Maya avatar
Shared by Maya • May 08, 2024

Hi Friend,

1. Add guides with ease!

Now, it’s even easier for you to build guided demos! Use the linear auto guide flow to get going instead of starting from scratch. You can see all of your guide steps and access brand new templates.

To learn more, check out this Walnut demo.

2. Share your demos in a few clicks!

Ready to take the next step? To publish or share your demo, click the new button. Don’t worry, the advanced option is still available for you.

To learn more, check out this Walnut demo.

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Analytics & Insights 📈

Identify who views your demos - without collecting emails!

Maya avatar
Shared by Maya • May 06, 2024

Hi friend,

Until now, the only way to track who viewed your demos was by collecting viewers’ emails.

This led to you seeing anonymous views, hindering your ability to fully analyze your demos.

Now, you can track who viewed your demo by identifying viewers with email parameters without viewers needing to enter their emails.

What’s in it for you?

  • You’ll no longer see anonymous viewers in your insights.
  • Allow users to watch the demo without needing to enter their emails.

To learn more about this feature, check out this Walnut demo or read this article.

Walnut news 🐿

De-anonymizing demo views: 3 ways you didn’t know you could use Walnut 💫

Maya avatar
Shared by Maya • May 06, 2024

Hi Friend,

We designed Demo Analytics to give you everything you need to learn more about your prospects' intent, explore your demo engagement data, and share it with additional stakeholders within your organization.

But how can you get even more out of this feature?

By understanding exactly who viewed your demos.

We just so happen to have 3 features to help you do exactly that. Plus, if you use our Salesforce integration, you can automatically match this information to the relevant contact, account, or opportunity in Salesforce.

Here are 3 ways that you can use Walnut to identify your demo viewers:

1. Demo Welcome Message

This feature allows you to prompt your prospect with a customized welcome message that explains what the demo is about. With the demo welcome message, you can also collect your prospect’s email and identify them.

On top of this, the feature also allows you to track how the demo was shared throughout the prospect’s organization because it prompts every viewer with the same welcome modal.

This modal can act as a gate and prevent unwanted viewers by seeing it by adding a passcode or blacklisting certain emails.

Pro tip💡: Use this feature when you share a demo before or after any step in the sales funnel to learn how engaged your prospect was, what interested them the most, and who they shared it with.

Fun fact 🚀: When using a demo welcome gate, our customer noticed that the demo engagement rate reached 95.6%, as opposed to 88.1% in demos without the demo welcome gate.

To learn more, read the article >

2. Add an email parameter

Now, you can add an email parameter when sharing a demo so that the demo engagement data will be associated with a specific user email.

Pro tip💡: Include an email parameter with every enablement and outreach platform you use, and auto-populate the identifier with macros.

In addition, if you have a form on your LP or homepage that redirects users to your demo, you can associate the form with the demo URL to identify who viewed your demo.

Fun fact 🚀: Use this feature to help you remove any friction from your top of funnel and awareness activities. You can also use this feature when you reach out to specific users that you want to engage with.

To learn more about email parameters, check out this Walnut demo or read the article.

3. Embedding lead forms in your demos

With Walnut, you can embed a lead form from your CRM to collect lead information, create leads in your CRM, get demo engagement data directly in your CRM, and identify your demo engagement data.

Pro tip💡: Use lead forms for demos that are embedded on your website or landing pages, knowledge base, or in your BDR outreach to identify exactly who viewed your demo.

Fun fact🚀: This feature supports HubSpot, Marketo, and Pardot, but with our Webhooks feature, you can integrate Walnut with any CRM on the market.

To learn more, check out this Walnut demo or read the article.

New feature 🎊
Creators 🎨

[New feature]: Now, it’s easier than ever before to create guided demos!

Maya avatar
Shared by Maya • April 18, 2024

Hi Friend,

Now, it’s even easier for Creators to build guided demos!

This new capability includes:

1. Auto guides— You can add guide steps for any newly captured screens.

2. Guide templates— There are now templates that you can use for guided steps.

3. Guide panel— We moved the guide panel to the other side of the Editor to make navigating between screens even easier.

4. Minimized share modal— This will enable faster demo creation and sharing. (The Demo Creation Wizard will remain an advanced option.)

Feature update📰

[Feature update]: Introducing Hover Interactions!

Maya avatar
Shared by Maya • April 18, 2024

Hi Friend,

Now, you can capture any hover interactions within your product without capturing additional screens, in a way that retains your product’s interactivity!

This will allow you to showcase the true functionality and interactivity of your product.

All to help you offer a more true-to-life experience.

What are the use cases?

1. Create a pre- or post-call demo to enable your champion to share internally with the rest of the buying committee.

2. Create a semi-sandbox environment to use for live demos. This will allow you to control the narrative of your live demos when there’s no need to demo real-time data streams.

How do you use it?

1. Capture a screen.

2. Click on the “Capture Interactions” button.

3. Hover over the elements you want to record and follow the feedback loop in the pop-up to capture them.

To learn more about this feature, read the article.

New feature 🎊

New feature: Create a demo from anywhere in the product!

Maya avatar
Shared by Maya • April 17, 2024

Hi Friend,

Now, it’s easier than ever before to create a demo from anywhere within Walnut!

From this point on, all Presenters will see the “New Demo” button that will let you select a template to create a demo from.

To learn more, check out this Walnut demo.

New feature 🎊

New feature: Add a demo gate to all of your demos created from a specific template!

Maya avatar
Shared by Maya • April 08, 2024

Hi friend,

Now, you can make sure any demos created from a specific template will have a demo gate.

This will allow you to track demo data and connect demo sessions to a deal so that you can use our CRM integration and Deal Intel.

All to help you effectively monitor your buyers’ journey and gain valuable insights.

To learn more, check out this Walnut demo.

Creators 🎨
New feature 🎊

Personalize any demo on the fly from directly in your demo!

Maya avatar
Shared by Maya • April 03, 2024

Hi Friend,

Now, you have the ability to personalize your demos on the fly without having to create a new demo for every viewer.

This new capability works by fetching external inputs either from external sources like contact lists or an email automation system, or from internal inputs like lead forms.

What are the use cases?

1. Embed a demo with lead forms on your website or landing page— You can change the content of the variable on the screen or in the guides through the user input in the lead form.

2. Send outreach emails from a marketing automation system— You’ll be able to send emails with demos from platforms like Sendbird, Intercom, Salesloft, and Outreach.

To learn more, check out this Walnut demo.

Admin & platform🧑‍💼
New feature 🎊

Introducing personalized insights!

Maya avatar
Shared by Maya • April 02, 2024

Hi Friend,

It used to be that any user had access to insights across the account, regardless of a demo’s permission level.

But now, you can display personalized insights. This means that users will have access to only insights for the demos they created or the demos that were shared with them on an individual, group, or company level.

Admins can continue to see insights for all demos by turning on the Super Admin toggle.

Admin & platform🧑‍💼
Feature update📰

Manage seat requests from within the Walnut app🪑

Maya avatar
Shared by Maya • March 27, 2024

Hi Friend,

Calling all Admins!

Now, you can manage seat requests from within the app.

You can also learn more about the current state of your account and overages.

What’s included?

Manage requests:

  • There is now a “Requested” option under the “Status” filter that lets you see everyone that requested a seat.
  • Account Owners can always approve or reject a request.
  • Admins can only approve or reject a request if the account doesn’t have an overage.
  • Admins and Account Owners can download the list of requesters as a CSV file.

Status filter:

  • “Pending” has been renamed as “Invited”.
  • By default, you should see “Approved” and “Invited” selected.
  • You can choose to see all statuses by selecting all options.

Request a seat emails:

  • You have the option to be reminded by email to view seat requests in Walnut.

To learn more, check out this Walnut demo.