Happy 2024 from Shuttlerock! 🎉
Kicking things off with a bang, we've got a few enhancements to Briefing to share with you.
We've added support for rich text formatting and AI writing tools to the text field for Brief Assistant.
Any rich text formatting used in this field will be preserved by the brief assistant and reflected in the final brief once it's generated, and the AI writing tools will work as they do in the rest of the brief - saving time and energy!
We've added an icon to the toolbar in the rich text fields for inserting images, to make sure you don't miss this handy new feature!
As the year draws to a close, we're celebrating with one final goody-bag of features for you! Read on to discover the presents wrapped up in this release 🎁
Seamlessly move between Brief, Creative delivery and Review pages when you're head-down in project mode.
This new simplified and focused navigation will make it far easier to move around within the context of a project, speeding up the briefing and review process.
We're calling this new UX the "Project view".
In a two-part feature addition, we've introduced the following capabilities to the larger text fields in the brief:
In-line file uploading gives users the ability to copy/paste screenshots and images, and drag+drop other files into text fields in the brief. Provide visual references to text, elaborate on assets you've uploaded, the possibilities are endless!
AI writing tools gives you the ability to harness the power of a virtual assistant and ward off that pesky writers block! With options like complete, expand and optimise, take the load off of your briefing and let AI do the heavy lifting for you.
Last, but most certainly not least! We've introduced a new header to make it abundantly clear if you happen to be logged out when using SRC, in order to alleviate any access issues you may have when trying to complete an action and being inadvertently signed out of your account at the time.
Season's greetings! 🎉
We've been hard at work on a suite of new features for our review & revision flow, and couldn't be more excited to be sharing these handy new tools with you today.
Have a revision that applies across a section of video rather than just a single point? Now you can set a start and end timestamp for revisions!
You can also still apply the revision to the whole duration of your video, or a specific frame - whichever is most relevant to your changes.
Adding on to the existing freeform annotation tool, we've introduced the following common shapes to use as well - with all of the same line weight and colour options you're used to:
Once drawn, you can move, re-size, delete, and undo or redo any of these changes as needed - annotations galore!
We've streamlined and unified the interface in the review & revision experience, pulling in the same Project Header from the brief and delivery page that you know and love.
This change is two-part, with the relocation of details such as Concept Name and Concept Number, which are now housed in a new section under the "Information" tab in the sidebar - Project information.
So, to summarise what's changed and what's new:
Project Header
Project Information
Media Player
We couldn't be more excited to be bringing these to you, read on for all of the details!
Platform Overlays
Coming soon - dynamic overlays, pulling through your brand elements!
Revision Replies
You can now reply to revision comments! Uses could include:
Try these on your next project!
New! Manage your Brands and Brand Profiles with ease.
Coming in future: common shapes such as lines, arrows and boxes - watch this space!
Project Tracker
Review & Revise
*we're building out support for more formats over time, watch this space!
We're thrilled to share some fantastic new features with you!