
Round robin rules, rule!

Elva avatar
Shared by Elva • August 30, 2023

Create custom rules for your round robins to schedule the right surfers on the right shifts. If you work Saturday, you work Sunday? Done. No earlies after a late? Nailed it.

How it works

  • Create a round robin
  • Add each shift you want to be included. Specify the day and staffing you need for that shift. You can also choose to add time off in lieu by flipping the toggle.
  • When you’re done, click Next
  • Now, you can choose to create rules. Use rules to specify which shifts surfers should work when it’s their turn. You create rules by selecting the shifts you planned in the previous step.
  • When you’re done, click Save.

As a bonus, we also removed the limit of one round robin per surfer, meaning surfers can now be in more than one round robin, per plan!


Double-click to fill

Elva avatar
Shared by Elva • August 29, 2023

You can now double-click on the left or right edge of an activity to instantly extend the length to fill the available space.

Refine and tweak your schedules in no time 🏃 !


Copy and paste activities

Elva avatar
Shared by Elva • August 29, 2023

One of our most requested features is now a reality!

Edit faster by copying and pasting activities in the schedule. Right-click on any activity to copy it and then paste it on any time, any day, and for any surfer.

This is the first of many new interactive editing tools are team is cooking up for you. Keep your eyes peeled for more! 👀


Duplicate activity schedules

Elva avatar
Shared by Elva • August 29, 2023

Duplicate your team’s activity schedules in no time. Whether you’re scheduling ad-hoc training, preparing for an event or just making adjustments, it can now be done faster with one click.

How it works

  • In the day view of the schedule, go to the day you want to copy.
  • Next, navigate to the ‘schedule tools’ menu in the toolbar, and select ‘duplicate’
  • Then, select the surfers whose schedules you want to duplicate, followed by the dates you want to copy it to. (You can copy to up to 7 days at once)
  • Click ‘duplicate schedule’ and the activities will then be copied to all shifts on these days!

Team and week view are here for performance!

Elva avatar
Shared by Elva • August 21, 2023

We've just released two more exciting additions to your performance page 😎

  • Team performance: Select a team to see a summary of each surfer's time-on-task as well as a cumulative team score. Look out for the top surfer to celebrate your wins!
  • Weekly performance: You can now view a weekly summary of each surfer or team's time-on-task. Perfect for tracking performance and behavioural trends over time

Check your performance and time-on-task

Elva avatar
Shared by Elva • August 21, 2023

We're very excited to share our latest bumper feature, time-on-task 🏄

Teams who use Dixa, Intercom or Zendesk can now visualise and report on the amount of time surfers spend correctly following their schedules.

By checking time-on-task managers can learn how their team works best and improve their schedules. It also gives insight into how a surfer is doing, lagging scores can be a key indicator that a surfer needs more training or personal support.

So what's so great about it?

  • 🤝 Time-on-task data is shared transparently from manager to surfer, giving surfers full ownership over their own performance
  • 🔎 Surfboard uses ticket data to check if the surfer was correctly following their schedule as well as how productive they were
  • 👌 Surfers are never penalised for taking breaks, attending meetings or doing offline tasks like admin

Learn more about this feature in our help centre


Hide off-shift surfers

Elva avatar
Shared by Elva • August 16, 2023

No more scrolling past those lucky surfers who have a day off, you can now hide everyone without a shift.

The new filter bar lets you filter your schedule by team or surfer and hide or show surfers without shifts.

Click the filters button to check it out!


Schedule toolbar update

Elva avatar
Shared by Elva • August 16, 2023

Your schedule toolbar has had a refresh!

We've updated your schedule toolbar to make it easier to use, and included a few new goodies while we were at it 😎

  • You can now switch between day and week faster using buttons and you can use the arrows to skip forward a week or day ➡️
  • Things were getting a little crowded in week view, so we've created a new toolbox to hold all of your tools. You can now find the 'apply shift plan' and 'clear schedule' tools in there.

We hope you enjoy your updated toolbar! 🏄


Duplicate your shift plans

Elva avatar
Shared by Elva • August 15, 2023

You can now easily introduce or remove team members from round robins, rotations and the schedule, by duplicating shift plans.

Simply hover over the shift plan you wish to duplicate. Click the three dot (…) menu that appears and select ‘duplicate shift plan’

Your shift plan will now be duplicated and ready to edit. 🏄


Surfer profile pictures

Elva avatar
Shared by Elva • July 25, 2023

You can now see your team's profile pictures in your Surfboard schedule! 📸

If your team uses Google Single Sign On (SSO), Surfboard will take your Google profile picture and show it in the schedule.

Your team can see this both in the manager schedule and in the 'working with you' panel in the surfer app.

To change your photo simply update your Google profile picture and the next time you log in to Surfboard it will update for you.