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9/18/2024 System Updates

Bryana avatar
Shared by Bryana • September 18, 2024

Release Notes

September 18, 2024

Enhanced Features:

  • Create Invoice Button: Added to the All Receivables and All Payables tabs for brokers, eliminating the need to switch pages when creating invoices.

Resolved Issues:

  • Fixed redirection issues when creating purchase orders, receivables, or payable invoices.
  • Resolved issue where toggling a permission on the Permissions page disabled it after clearing the search field.
  • Corrected client trip charge rate; it now applies to the trade service instead of the vendor’s invoice.
  • Line items now display correctly after addressing permission issues.
  • Resolved issue where editing a role and saving a category would delete existing permissions. All permissions are now retained.

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9/5/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • September 06, 2024

Release Notes

September 5, 2024

Enhancements & Updates

Payment Term Specific to a Vendor Takes Precedence:

When creating a Vendor invoice, the payment terms set in the vendor's profile will take precedence over the company's default settings, ensuring accurate billing.

Enhanced Payment Feature:

A new Remit Payments To field has been added under the Statement Memo on the Receivable Invoice Page. This field will automatically appear when generating an invoice, with the option to update it as needed.

Ability to Mark a Vendor as Tax Exempt:

Vendor managers can now mark vendors as Tax Exempt in the vendor’s profile under the Settings tab. A Vendor is Tax Exempt field will indicate this status.

Ability to Mark a Site as Tax Exempt for Purchase Orders:

If the Tax Exempt checkbox is selected for a specific site, any associated work orders or purchase orders will show a tax of $0.If the delivery site of a purchase order matches the work order location, and the work order site is marked as tax-exempt, the purchase order will also be tax exempt.

Added Line Item Tooltip:

A tooltip is now available to easily identify whether line items are Taxable or Non-Taxable.

Mandatory Tax Code for Invoicing:

The Tax Code field is now mandatory for all items, sub-items, materials, and services. This ensures that taxes are correctly displayed based on the tax code and billing location.

Tax Exemption Status Pop-Up:

A new pop-up window will appear when selecting/deselecting the Tax Exempt checkbox, warning users that changes to the exemption status may affect the tax shown on line items. This allows for a review before finalizing the change.

Accept/Reject Button for Proposals:

The Approve/Reject button has been added directly to the Work Order Details page, eliminating the need to navigate to the Proposal page for approval actions. This streamlines the approval process.

Resolved Issues

- Discount Field Now Updates Correctly

- Vendor Invoice Discount Issue

- Select All Option Fixed for Filters

- NFPA Report Displays Correct Values

- Proposal PDF Download

- All Active Net Terms Displayed in Vendor Profile

-Correct Tax Rate Applied to Line Items

- Tax-Exempt Checkbox Issue resolved

-Team Member Labor Rate pull correctly

-Vendor Invoice Forwarding Fixed

-Site Filter Now Shows All Sites

- Duplicate Trips No Longer Created

-Advanced Work Order Scheduler Filtering

-Bulk Actions Now Work with Select All

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8/30/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 30, 2024

Release Notes

August 30, 2024

Enhancements & Updates

  • Enhanced Receivables, Payables, Proposals, and Purchase Orders modules:
    - An All Receivables Invoices tab was added under Accounting in the Receivables tab. This allows you to see all client invoices generated in the Receivable module.
    - An All Payable Invoices tab was added under Accounting in the Payables tab. This allows you to see all vendor invoices generated in the Payable module.
    - An All Proposals tab was added under Operations in the Proposals tab. This allows you to see all proposal generated for the client and received from the vendor in the Proposal module.
    - All Purchase Orders tab was added under Operations in the Purchase Orders tab. This allows you to see all purchase orders generated for the vendor in the Purchase Order module.
  • Enhanced Notes feature: When someone dispatches a Work Order and Trip with email notifications turned on, tagged users will now receive Private Notes directly in their email, including details such as the Work Order Number and Status.
  • Direct Search by Site Name and Address In Proposals: For creating a proposal, it was mandatory to select the client first and then the site. Now, you can select the site or work order before selecting the client.
  • Removed Time Selection from Compliance Documents: Previously, you had to select a time while selecting date during uploading a compliance document. Now, the time selection is removed from the date picker and you do not have to select a time along with the date.

Resolved Issues

  • Previously, while downloading a work order list report, the Revenue, Vendor Labor + Material Cost, Expense, and Profit/Losses columns were showing the same amount. Now, these columns display the appropriate amount based on work order custom report.

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8/22/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 23, 2024

Release Notes

August 22, 2024

New Enhancement

Enhanced Work Order Notes
The following fields have now been hidden in Work Order Notes when sending from broker to client
- Vendor Name
- Priority
- Trade Service

Added a Create Item Link
While creating/editing an invoice, proposal, or purchase order, you now have the ability to create a new Item.

Resolved Issues

  • Previously, through the vendor or client login, the Details page was not displaying the Notes and Contact tabs. Now, you can see all notes and contacts in the details page. Note: You can see these tabs even if you resize the page.
  • Previously, while exporting the Per Event rates, only the first defined rate range details were displayed. Now, both the upload and download reports show all the details correctly for range which is defined for the Default as well as on the Task level.
  • In the Client page, the links under the Relationship Information section in the left pane were opening the pages in the old version.
    These links now navigate to the correct pages in the new version for Invoices and Proposals
  • Previously, if the Trip Billing Method is ETTM (Equipment Task Time Material), when you created the work order, the invoice was
    considering the trip check-in and trip check-out values as Regular. Now if 'Enable Time On Task' setting is ON and Trip billing method is ETTM, then while invoicing Task specific Regular/Overtime/Double rates should be consider while invoicing,
  • For the receivable invoice, the changes made to the Remit Payments To field will now update correctly.
  • For creating a proposal, you can now select site or work order before selecting client.
  • Previously, search filter was not working for the partial search word. Now, you can see the complete name of client/vendor with a partially entered name.

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8/13/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 13, 2024

Release Notes

August 13, 2024

New Enhancement

Enhanced Work Order Notes
Work order notes now include the work order number, client name, priority, trade, and message body, compared to the simple note that was sent before.

Resolved Issues

  • Previously, when creating an invoice or proposal, the rounding function did not work correctly on the amounts. Now, rounding is applied accurately.
  • Previously, when changes were made to a tax rate or tax-exempt rate for an invoice, proposal, or purchase order, the corresponding log activity was not displayed for the Canada site. Now, under the Activity tab, the log activity is displayed properly.
  • When downloading work order reports, the trip check-in and check-out fields were displaying the same value. Now, these fields show the correct values.
  • For work orders with no trips, when reports were downloaded in Excel format, the trip check-in and check-out fields were displaying the same value. Now, these fields show the correct values.
  • Previously, the Notes tab displayed all notes without the filter selected. Now, only the appropriate notes corresponding to the selected filters are displayed.
  • While generating a receivable invoice, the option "Save and Approve to Send" was not appearing completely on the screen. Now, all the words are shown completely.

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8/8/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 08, 2024

Release Notes

August 8, 2024

New Features and Enhancements

Bulk Approve/Reject Payable Invoices

  • A new permission 'Can bulk approve and reject Payable Invoices' has been added and users with the Admin and Admin with Company Settings or employees with the roles for which the respective permissions are given can bulk approve/reject the payable invoices.
  • The View Profile link in the Approve pop-up window navigates you to the respective vendor profile page.
  • If 'Snooze for 24 Hours' is selected for a vendor, that vendor will not appear in the compliance check for the next 24 hours when approving the invoice.
  • If you enter a note in the Approve/Reject pop-up window, the details appear in the respective vendor invoice Notes tab.
  • The Activity tab shows the actions taken by the employee, such as Approve or Reject.
  • Employees can bulk approve/reject maximum 1000 payable invoices simultaneously.

Added Trip NTE

  • A new field, Trip NTE, has been added to the work order report under the Service Information section. This field notifies the vendor not to exceed this amount when creating an invoice.

Enhanced Custom Work Order Template

  • The Work Order Export template has been enhanced. When exporting a work order, you can now arrange the columns in any desired order.

Copy and Reorder Line Items for Invoice, Proposal, and Purchase Order

  • In the Create Client Proposal page, you can now duplicate, edit, and reorder line items for the invoice, proposal, and purchase order modules. A drag-and-drop feature has been added to rearrange the line items.

Addition of Log Activity for Tax Rate/Tax Exempt Change

  • While creating invoice, proposal, or purchase order, any edits to the tax rate or changes to the Tax-Exempt option on the Create Client Proposal page, this activity is added under the Activity tab.

Bulk Schedule Payable Invoice

  • The Scheduled Service feature now allows you to bulk configure payable invoices, similar to how receivable invoices are currently managed. The Bulk Configure page displays all vendors associated with the scheduled services for the payable invoices.

Resolved Issues

  • The download and print options for proposals are now functioning correctly.
  • On the Vendor page, links under the Relationship Information section in the left pane were previously opening pages in the old version. These links now correctly navigate to the appropriate pages for Invoice/Proposal/Purchase Order in the new version.
  • Previously, the search functionality was not working when you wanted to filter the permissions for a role. Now you can search for the permissions even with partial text entires.
  • While approving the single payable invoice, the View their Profile link on the Approve page redirects you correctly to the new version.
  • Several issues have been addressed for Received Invoices created from purchase orders:
  1. Reject button was not working.
  2. The Remit Payments To field appeared blank by default and data was displayed when Reject button was clicked.
  3. The Estimated Total field value displayed zero by default.
  4. When you entered reason for rejecting an invoice, the message appeared with the HTML tag.
  • Previously, you were unable to generate a Receive Payment for client invoices created for multiple sites. This issue has been resolved, and you can now receive payments for invoices generated for multiple sites.

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7/25/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • July 25, 2024

Release Notes

July 25, 2024

New Features and Enhancements

  • To see the duration a vendor or contractor spends on the work order page, Trip ETA (expected time of arrival) and Trip ETC (expected time of completion) columns are added to the Work Order page.
  • For an ongoing agreement, you will receive an email alert before the number of days set in the settings regarding the service expiration/end date.

Bug Fixes

  • In the Edit Employee page, the service rates were not getting saved before. This issue is resolved. Now, you can view the updated rates.
  • Previously, when you were editing a Payable Invoice, the edited line item was not getting saved, and the page was showing blank lines. This issue is resolved. Now, you can see the edited invoice details.
  • Previously, you were unable to create a purchase order invoice for the recently completed trip. This issue is resolved.
  • Previously, on the Vendor Proposal page, in the Billing Address field, the client address was populating irrespective of whether the client checked in or the vendor checked in. This issue is resolved. Now, in the Billing Address field, you can see the vendor address when the vendor checks in and the client address when the client checks in.
  • Previously, on the Create Vendor Proposal page, in the Site Address field, the client Site Address was visible. This issue is resolved. Now, you can see the consultant’s site address when a vendor proposal is created.
  • When deleting a purchase order, the record was not getting removed from the work order. This issue is resolved. Now, the deleted purchase order record gets removed permanently from the database.
  • Previously, you were unable to edit the invoice received from the vendor. This issue is resolved.
  • When you created a work order, on the Trip Details page, the default Client and Vendor Billing Method were not getting populated. This issue is resolved.
  • When you created a proposal for the work order, there was a discrepancy of 0.01 in the total invoice amount. This issue is resolved. Now, the total invoice amount is displayed correctly.
  • Previously, on the Proposal page, the total invoice amount was not including the sales tax amount. This issue is resolved. Furthermore, even in the email, the sales tax amount was not shown. This issue is also resolved.

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7/17/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • July 17, 2024

Release Notes

July 17, 2024

New Features and Enhancements

A new setting has been added that allows you to edit the approved payable vendor invoice.

Settings > Vendors > Invoices > Allow Editing Approved Invoice

Bug Fixes

  • The notes for the work order equipment report always displayed "Yes" in the Equipment Deficiency report. This issue is now resolved. You can see the actual remarks or comments entered for the notes.
  • Previously, you were unable to change the custom form name. This issue is now resolved. You can change the name and save it as a new form.
  • Previously, in the Create Vendor Purchase Order page, when you added a tax line item, the line item total and invoice total were not calculated. This issue is now resolved. Now, you can see the calculated total tax amount based on the tax slab.
  • Previously, in the Rates and Assignees page, when you selected a location, the value was not populated for the Client drop-down list. This issue is now resolved. A Location Client Name field has been added that displays the client name for the selected location.
  • In the Vue Invoice page for the full screen view, you were not able to see the department name for the associated invoice, and the field displayed "No department." This issue is now resolved.
  • For the Work Orders page in the list view, you were unable to filter Work Orders based on Proposal Status. This issue is resolved. Now you can filter work orders based on Proposal Status even though the proposal status is not the priority displayed for the work order.
  • Previously, you faced the pagination issue for searching the record. Now, the searching feature is enhanced across the pagination with large data.

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7/11/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • July 11, 2024

Release Notes

July 11, 2024

What’s New

  • Support for Canadian Taxes: Now your receivables and Payables support taxes for Canadian location
  • Improved Summary section for Invoices and PDFs: Get better visibility into taxes, discounts, and other calculated components
  • Automated Trip/Travel charges: Based on rates set in the system, you can now automatically include flat or distance-based trip/travel charges in your receivables and payables invoices.

Canadian Tax support:

  • Canadian taxes for respective provinces are fetched and displayed in the invoice, proposals, and purchase orders

Support for Canadian Taxes: Now your receivables and Payables support taxes for Canadian location

Improved Summary section for Invoices and PDFs: Get better visibility into taxes, discounts, and other calculated components

Automated Trip/Travel charges: Based on rates set in the system, you can now automatically include flat or distance-based trip/travel charges in your receivables and payables invoices.

Canadian Tax support:

  • Canadian taxes for respective provinces are fetched and displayed in the invoice, proposals, and purchase orders

Improved Summary section for Invoices and PDFs:

  • An improved summary section for invoices, proposals, and purchase orders will give better insights into total tax across all line items.
  • Here, taxes are grouped by Tax type (“GST,” “PST,” etc., for Canadian locations and “Tax” for US locations) and Tax rates.

  • Summary section and new Tax summary section in PDFs for invoices, proposal and purchase orders gives better insights into taxes.

  • To switch to the new format you can choose the following templates as the default templates from settings

Automated Trip/Travel charges

We currently support two types of Trip/Travel charges

-Flat charges – Fixed charge
-Distance-based charges – Charge based on distance traveled to the site location

These charges can vary for clients, sites, vendors, and trade service.

  • Trip Charges are automatically populated during invoice based on configuration(flat/distance-based)

  • Enhanced mobile interface for Vendors and team members to log travel details

Bug Fixes

1.WO Filter Creation Date Not Working Properly

· Issue with the creation date filter in work orders has been resolved.

2.Invalid Link On New Invitations when using Email and Mobile fields in ROR

· Fixed invalid links in new invitations when email and mobile fields are used.

3.First Broker name associated to location is displayed instead of Current

· Corrected the issue where the first broker name was displayed instead of the current broker name.

4.New Vendors Module Is Showing Incorrect Notes & Contacts Count

· Fixed the incorrect display of notes and contacts count in the New Vendors module.

5.Proposal Item Description Is Showing HTML Tags

· HTML tags in proposal item descriptions are now properly rendered.

6.Invoice PDF is not getting downloaded

· Resolved the issue preventing invoice PDFs from being downloaded.


1.Change in the Item Name should update Rate & Assignment Records respectively

· Implemented a feature where changing an item name updates the corresponding rate and assignment records.

2.Increase width and provide horizontal scroll for the recommendation box in Name dropdown for Invoices | Proposal | PO

· Enhanced the recommendation box in the name dropdown with increased width and horizontal scroll functionality.


1.WO Level Summary Invoice Report

· Added a new summary invoice report at the work order level.

2.AR/AP - Add Custom Column naming to Invoice Reports

· Introduced the ability to add custom column naming in invoice reports.


1.After creating these agreements and hitting activate/continue

· Improvements made to the activation process.

2.Weather works trips to be invoiced doesn't ignore cancel trips.

· Adjusted the invoicing process to exclude canceled weather works trips.

3.Sites loading performance issue on Work order create Pop up

· Addressed performance issues with site loading during work order creation.

4.Corrected Date of Issue on Forwarding Vendor invoice to Client.

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5/15/24 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • May 15, 2024

Release Notes

May 15, 2024

What’s New

  • Minimum Billing hours: Bill your clients for Minimum Hours, overriding actual hours spent on the job
  • More control on filters: Achieve better search suggestions as you type and more control on numeric filters
  • Import Work order details into invoice: No need to search at different places for details on the work done. Import details in one click.
  • Make description in Payables Invoice mandatory: Now we can enforce vendor to add details on work performed during invoicing.
  • Redesigned initial steps for Scheduled Services: The first step of creating a scheduled service has been revamped. Users can now easily select the client and site through an intuitive wizard interface, simplifying the setup process.

Minimum Billing hours:

  • Minimum hours charged by you can vary for a given client, trade and/or service
  • Minimum Billable Hours are charged per trip
  • These hours are automatically fetched from the setup, during trip creation
  • User can choose to edit/remove the minimum hours charged anytime before invoicing
  • Minimum hours are charged for billing method - "Time & Material" and "Equipment Task T&M"

Rates & Assignee

Add/Edit Minimum Billing Hours

Configure client specific minimum hours

Add/Edit Minimum hours on Trip creation

View Trip details in Minimum hours billing

Enhancing your control on filter:

⚬ We have improved your experience with filters so that you have better control on final results

Import Work order details into invoice:

⚬ While creating an invoice or editing an existing invoice, you can now import Work order details on click of a button.

Details includes:

  • Vendor invoice description
  • Services performed on that work order
  • Service date and time i.e. 1st check-in for that work order
  • Work order description (this includes service request description, if any)

Make description in Payables Invoice mandatory:

  1. For quick approval of payables invoices, we have introduced a setting to make invoice description mandatory. This will enforce vendors to enter summary of work performed.
  2. A new company setting is introduced - Vendor > Invoices > Set Invoice Description as Mandatory (new parameter)
  • If this is turned ON, then the entering description becomes mandatory on the Payables Invoice.
  • If this is turned OFF, then the entering description becomes optional on the Payables Invoice.
  • This setting is set as OFF by default

Redesigned initial steps for Scheduled Services:

  1. Redesigned and Reduced the number of steps for creating Scheduled Services
  2. Scheduled Services can be created by Quick Add action from top navigation three dot menu

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