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Enhancement & Bug Updates - 3/7/2024

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • March 07, 2024

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing and fine-tuning UtilizeCore, please review the detailed notes of our latest improvements and bug fixes that have been deployed:


1: Ability to Create Proposal From WO (Beta):

  • Users now have the ability to generate a proposal in BETA from the Work Order Module


1: Creating Invoice with Material Line Item containing both material & material code

2. Invoice Line Item Duplication Error

3. Incoming Service Request Now Defaults Emails On For Vendors

4. Weather Forecast Report Updated For Hourly Filters

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Vendors + Menu + Filters

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • February 23, 2024

We're excited to announce that this week we will release a New Version of UtilizeCore, featuring the brand-new "VENDORS" module, enhanced filtering capabilities and streamlined menu enhancements scheduled for. These updates mark a significant milestone in our ongoing mission to empower our users and provide a seamless experience.

Check out the new features below!

Menu Enhancements:

Side Menu Addition: We’ve consolidated existing tabs for quicker and more accessible navigation.

  • “Switch Company” is now “My Companies” for easier understanding.
  • The same ability to Create or Join a Company is housed here
  • The "Analytics," "Explore," and "Billing" tabs have moved to this side menu.
  • Introduction of the "App Store" for convenient browsing of integration options.
  • “Workflow Settings” is now “Settings” for quick access.

New View Preferences:

  • Choose Dark or Light Mode: Customize the interface with dark and light modes.
  • Switch Between Versions: Effortlessly switch between Old and New platform.

You can use Proposals, Purchase orders, Receivables, Payables, Employees, Vendors, and Company Profile in the new version.

  • Quick Actions Menu: This menu provides users the option to customize the header for rapid access to resources like Work Orders, Invoices, Proposals, etc.


  • Filter Templates and Advanced Filtering: Introduces advanced filtering options tailored for each module.
  • Users can save filter sets or create new templates for efficient searches.
  • Pin Filters: Manage pinned filters for a streamlined experience.
  • Sorting: Effortlessly sort filters in ascending or descending order based on preferences.

Vendor Listing Page:

Vendor Compliance Page:

Other Enhancements:

  • Improved Toast Messages: Enhanced toast messages for Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payable modules. Links provided for easy navigation within resources.


We believe these enhancements will elevate your UtilizeCore experience, providing you with more control and insight into your operations. Thank you for your continued support and feedback as we strive to make UtilizeCore the best it can be.

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Enhancement & Bug Updates - 2/15/2024

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • February 15, 2024

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing and fine-tuning UtilizeCore, please review the detailed notes of our latest improvements and bug fixes that have been deployed:


1: Bulk Renewing Agreement/Schedule Services

  • We have enhanced the Bulk Renew Agreement feature to not create WO# for the Site(s) marked as ‘Credit Hold’.

2: Filter to view Weather Forecast for 54 & 60 Hours

  • We have enhanced the following two pages to provide an ability to filter Weather Forecasts for 54 & 60 hours.

2.1: Network > Site > Weather Works Filter

2.2: Operation > Work-Order > Maps > Forecast

3: Proposal – Department:

  • We have added the new field ‘Department’ to the Proposal transaction allowing you to associate the respective Department with the corresponding Proposal.

3.1: Department

4: New Invoice Template – New Five:

  • We have added a new Invoice Template – New Five. The new template - New Five will only display the Site Name once in the Invoice PDF generated.

Screen Capture#1: New PDF template


1: The WO Order report displays vendor information

A correction is made to the WO Report > Trip details to not display the vendor details if the parameter 'Display Vendor Details' is set to False.

2: The vendor is unable to upload the W9 Form

A correction is made to the vendor profile, allowing the user to upload the W9 form successfully.

3: Blocked Client is visible under Maps

A correction is done to the WO > Maps to not display the blocked Client in the filter for selection.

4: Filter WO# by WO Type = On Demand – T&M

A correction is done to the WO > Filters to correctly display the record when filtering the record on WO Type = On Demand – T&M.

5: WO > Trip – Photo Carousel Order Issue

A correction is done to the WO > Trips to display the Photo Carousel in the following sequence:

  • Before Photo
  • After Photo
  • Custom Form Photo
  • Signature

6: Storm Event PDF

A correction is made to the Storm Event PDF to display only the details related to the corresponding Company.

7: Bulk Deleting the Service

A correction is done to the existing Bulk delete feature to only delete the selected Service and not delete the must return trip generated against the corresponding Service (which is deleted).

8: Custom Work Order Report

A correction is made to the existing Custom Work Order Report to display the appropriate column header and data within the respective columns when downloaded in CSV/XLSX format.

9: Client Portal displaying Material Cost

A correction is done to the Work Order > Material tab to hide the Material Cost Price and only display the Sell Price of the corresponding material.

10: Proposal – Incorrect Margin calculation

A correction is done to the existing Proposal transaction to calculate the margin value accurately when the proposal is received by the Vendor with the margin added, and the same is forwarded to the Client.

11: Reports & BI Sites Export Is Showing Deactivated Sites

A correction is done to the existing Report & BI Site export to not download the inactive/deactivated site(s).

12: Vendor Portal -Site > Client Hyperlink

A correction is done to the Vendor Portal > Site page; the hyperlink from the Client Name has been removed - for the Clients who are not directly associated with the Client.

13: Proposal Cover Letter

A correction is done to the Proposal Cover Letter functionality to display the appropriate Cover Letter for Proposal based on the below company setting:

  • Company Setting > Proposals > Proposals > Cover Letter Default text: If configured, the system will bring the corresponding text (allowing the user to modify it if needed) as the Cover Letter and will also be part of the Proposal email.

Company Setting > Proposals > Proposals > Cover Letter Default text: If not configured, the system will bring a blank cover letter, allowing the user to add a cover letter message.

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Enhancement & Bug Updates - 1/31/2024

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • January 31, 2024

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing and fine-tuning UtilizeCore, please review the detailed notes of our latest improvements and bug fixes that have been deployed:


1. Site Download Report

• User can now include unassigned sites or only unassigned sites while downloading a report at the site level.

2. Proposal - Line-Item Sales Tax:

• While creating a proposal you now have the ability to add sales tax at the line item level.

3. Approval Requested Invoices to display in AR/AP:

• We have enhanced the ‘WW Per Event Invoice’ status icon as ‘Vendor Approval Requested’ to appear on Account Receivable section of the Vendor Portal and Account Payable section of the Broker respectively.

4. Weather Works - Trip Review and Trip Invoicing:

• Users will now have hyperlinks available on the trip review & trip invoicing pages while associating Weatherworks events and invoicing Weatherworks events

5. Follow-Up Date & Time

• Any role with the following workorder permissions will now be able to add/edit follow-up on a workorder:

-Can create 'Work Order Orders'

-Can see 'Sent Work Order Orders'

-Can see 'Received Work Order Orders'

• Users now have the ability to filter follow-up by date & time

6. Disassociating Weather Work Order Event ID:

• User now has the ability to disassociate Weatherworks Events assigned to a trip.

NOTE: The Event ID is associated with Work Order; disassociating from a Work Order will be captured in the activities section. If the trip is verified, you must unverify before it is editable.

7. Ability to View Notes from WO List View page

We have enhanced the WO list view page by adding a new column - ‘Notes’. This column will display the recent Private Notes added to the corresponding Work Order. On clicking the Notes hyperlink, the system will open the Notes section on the right-hand side of the WO list page.

NOTE: The user has to add the Notes to the Available Work Order List Columns using the following Company Setting.

Company Setting > Work Orders > General Details > Configurable Fields > Available Work Order List Columns.

Screen Capture#1: Company Setting > Work Orders > General Details > Configurable Fields > Available Work Order List Columns.

Screen Capture#2: WO List View > New Column Added - Notes.

Screen Capture#3: On clicking the Notes; the system will display the Notes.


1. Service Date Is Not Visible In The Work Order List View Column

The Work Order List View now properly displays the Service Date when a trip is closed using a mobile app or from a computer.

2. Site Service Configuration-> Per Event

When adding or adjusting Per Event Tasks with “range” the drop-down menu will now auto-close after selection.

3. Invoice Report

Invoice Reports generated now shows an associated agreement number.

4. Inability to download Inactive Sites

A correction has been made to the Site download feature. Now, the user can download the inactive site(s).

5. Icon is not displaying for ‘Approval Required’ status.

A correction has been made to the WO List view to display the Vendor Icon for the Vendor Invoices having status as ‘Approval Required’.

6. Change of Custom Status is not generating Vendor Invoice for agreements.

A correction has been made in the WO (created from Agreement) to generate the draft Vendor Invoice on the change of Custom Status.

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Enhancement & Bug Updates - 1/17/2024

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • January 17, 2024

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing and fine-tuning UtilizeCore, please review the detailed notes of our latest improvements and bug fixes that have been deployed:

1. Client Invoice - Incorrectly calculation of Margin

A correction has been made to the incorrect margin calculation on sending the Client Invoice. This fix ensures the calculated values are accurate and the system is not re-calculating values on sending the Client Invoice.

2. Client Invoice - PO Material duplicated across the Trip

A correction has been made to the logic of billing the PO material and Material(s) added to the Work Order. Below is the new logic:

  1. WO having PO transaction/Material(s) assigned with a Trip, then the system will only infer the PO material/Material(s) when invoicing for the corresponding trip.
  2. WO having PO transaction/Material(s) not assigned to a Trip, then the system will only bill the PO material/Material(s) once (if there are multiple trips associated with the Work Order).

3. Vendor Upload > Vendor Custom ID

A correction has been made to the Vendor Upload feature to display the 'Vendor Custom ID' if the uploaded template has the Vendor Custom ID value populated.

4. Invoice > Rounding-off issue

A correction has been made to the Invoice rounding-off issue for the calculation of ‘Estimated Total’.


We are excited to announce some enhancements which will provide a great user experience to the UC application user. Following are the new features introduced:

  1. Weather Works Invoicing Logic:
  • We have enhanced the Weather Work Invoicing logic to consider the Site. Following is the new logic of Weather-Work Invoicing:

    For Client: WW Event ID + Client + Zip-Code + Site

For Vendor: WW Event ID + Vendor + Zip-Code +


2. Site Specific Task for on-demand WO:

  • We have enhanced the on-demand Work Order creation to verify if there are any Task(s) configured at the Site Level for the selected Trade and Trade Service.

    If yes, the system will associate the Task(s) from the corresponding site for the corresponding Trade and Trade Service configured

Screen Capture#1: Configure a Task at Site.

Screen Capture#2: Configured tasks at site level will now be present while creating an on-demand work order

3. Editing Vendor Compliance Record:

Screen Capture#1: Option to delete the Active Record.

4. Proposal Attachments:

Screen Capture#1: Make File Available to Client – If the Flag is set to False, the said attachment will not be visible to Client.

Screen Capture#2: Image display option – Full width photo OR ½ width photo.

Screen Capture#3: The PDF. added will be displayed as attachment in the PDF generated.

5. Proposal Bulk Send is now available:

6. Site Specific Rate > Item Name Inference:

We have enhanced the Site-Specific Rate configuration page by soft-inferring the Item Name from the Client (of the corresponding Service). This feature will result in more user productivity as Item Name will get auto-inferred from the Client.

NOTE: If the Service is not configured at the Client Level, then the system will infer the Item Name from the Generic record.

7. Edit/Delete – Per Event Rate Configuration:

We have enhanced the Per Event Rate configuration by allowing the user to edit/delete the Range sequence. However, the system will issue a warning message, if the edit/delete has resulted gap in the sequence. Below is the warning message:

Warning Message: Removing the snow range rates will impact the continuity of the Range Rates. Please correct the ranges to manage the continuity of the snow inches.

Screen Capture#1: Warning Message.

8. Site Specific Event Rate – Mandatory Field Validation:

We have enhanced the Site-Specific Event Rate by adding validation on save if the mandatory fields are empty. The feature will provide a great user experience in identifying the mandatory fields while creating a configuration.

Screen Capture#1: Error Message on Save (for Mandatory fields).

9. Rate & Assignee – Item Name Inference:

We have enhanced the Rate & Assignee page by adding a new logic to auto-infer the Item Name if the service (being added) has a matching Item Name. The feature will provide a great user experience in configuring the new rates, as the user doesn't have to verify if there is a matching item name.

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Enhancement & Bug Updates - 1/12/2024

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • January 12, 2024

Updates and Enhancements:

  • Updated Date on Work Order Report:

The date on the Work Order report has been updated to reflect the date of service for improved clarity. Now, users can easily track when a service was performed by referring to the updated date field.

  • Enhanced Recurring Trip Feature:

We've enhanced the Recurring Trip feature to dis-allow the automatic creation of trips for deleted Work Orders. This improvement ensures better control and accuracy in managing recurring trips, avoiding unnecessary trip creation for deleted orders.

  • Validation Correction on Check-out via Manual Adjustment:

A correction has been made to eliminate unnecessary validation during the check-out process via manual adjustments. This fix ensures a smoother user experience by removing redundant validation steps.

  • Work Order Closure Functionality Correction:

Corrected the work order closure functionality for building and inspection types of scheduled services. Previously, work orders were not closing when assigned to a team member. This issue has been resolved, and now work orders will be appropriately closed upon completion.

  • Corrected Proposal Approval Emails:

Resolved issue with Proposal Approval Emails that were being sent to invalid email addresses. With this correction, users can now be confident that approval emails will be sent to the intended and valid recipients.

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Enhancement & Bug Fix Announcement - 1/4/2023

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • January 04, 2024


We are excited to announce enhancements that improve the user experience and offer new capabilities.

1: New Units of Measure

The Item Page now allows you to choose two new Units of Measure: Ton & Box. These options are also available to be used on the line items for Invoices, Proposals, and POs.

Below is the screen capture for reference:

UC Mobile App: New UOM

2: New Filter Capabilities for Invoices

New filtering capabilities have been added to the Receivables & Payables tabs. These new filters make it even easier to:

· Find only the WOs that are ready to be invoiced

· Identify the Invoices you are ready to approve

· Filter the WOs / Invoices to only what you are responsible for (ie a Region / External Region / Trade)

The new Filter options are:



Billing Method


External Region

Below is the screen capture for reference:

Accounts Receivables > Generate Invoice:

Accounts Receivables > Attention Invoices:

Accounts Payable > Generate Vendor Invoice:

Accounts Payable > Pending Approval:

Accounts Payable > Pay:

3: Rates & Assignments

You can now edit an Item’s Name right from the “Rate & Assignee” page. Clicking the edit icon next to the Item Name, will open the Item edit window without you having the leave the Rate & Assignee page.

Edit icon added next to Item Name

Clicking the edit icon will open the Item Edit window

4: Work Order Reports

The Work Order report now includes the following Team Member information:

Team Member Name

Team Member ID

5: Material Billing

You can now set contracted Material rates at the Client and Site levels. This provides you with the ability set your Material pricing at 3 levels:




The platform employs this logic for price determination:

· If the material has a rate configured at the Site level, then the Site rate will be used, not the pricing at the Client or Generic level.

· If the material does not have a rate configured at the Site level and the material has a rate configured at the Client level, then the Client rate will be used, not the pricing at the Generic level.

· If the material does not have a rate configured at the Site or Client levels, then then the Generic rate will be.

Client > Material Rate

Site > Material Rate

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Enhancement & Bug Fix Announcement - 12/22/23

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • December 22, 2023

New Features -

Invoicing Enhancements:

  • Introduced a new provision for invoicing directly from Account Receivable, Payables, Events, Purchase Orders, and Proposals.
  • Streamlined the invoicing process for improved efficiency and user experience.

Site Management Improvements:

  • Enhanced the site management process by implementing safeguards against the deletion of open Work Orders when a site is deleted or deactivated.
  • This ensures data integrity and prevents accidental loss of critical information.

WO Report Enhancements:

  • Added a new field, "Trip Category," to the Work Order (WO) Report for enhanced visibility of trips associated with work orders.
  • This addition provides users with better categorization and organization of trip-related information.

Inspection Form Email Improvements:

  • Included WO#, Site, and Vendor name in Inspection form emails to provide recipients with comprehensive information for better decision-making.
  • This enhancement improves the clarity and context of inspection-related communications.

Invoice Template Update:

  • Introduced a new template for invoices named "New Four (without Request Description)."
  • This template option offers flexibility in presenting invoice information without including request descriptions.

Vendor File Correction:

  • Corrected Vendor File where phone numbers were populating incorrectly.
  • This correction ensures accurate and reliable vendor contact information.

BUG Fixes

Signup Email Template:

  • Corrected Liquid template in Signup Email on the resend invitation event for vendors.
  • Ensures accurate and effective communication during the signup process.

Vendor Trip Emails:

  • Resolved an error in Vendor Trip emails occurring during vendor user logout scenarios.
  • Ensures vendors receive trip-related communications without disruption.

Time & Material Rates Upload:

  • Resolved an error in Time & Material rates upload for Assignee.
  • Ensures accurate recording and calculation of time and material costs for assignments.

Per Task Flat Rate Placeholder:

  • Corrected the placeholder for Per Task Flat rate for accurate representation in relevant documentation.

Site Contact Access for Vendors:

  • Corrected Site contact access for Vendors, ensuring appropriate access and permissions.

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Enhancement & Bug Fix Announcement - 12/4/23

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • December 04, 2023

Web Enhancements

Added Conditional Task (Either/Or) Functionality for Tasks in Service Actions> Advanced Settings:

  • Users can now define either/or conditions for tasks in Service Actions> Advanced Settings.
  • This feature provides enhanced flexibility and control over task management workflows via mobile.

Mobile Enhancements

Added Either/Or Functionality for Tasks:

  • Users can now utilize either/or conditions for tasks, offering increased adaptability in task completion.
  • Note: Once a task with a timer is started, there is no way to go back.

Auto Population of Rates during Invoice Creation:

  • The mobile app now supports the auto-population of rates during invoice creation, streamlining the billing process for users on mobile devices.

Work Order Creation Enhancements:

  • Priority-based features now auto-populate the Work Order expiration field during creation.
  • Trip ETA and ETC are automatically populated for improved scheduling.

Trip Creation Enhancements:

  • Users can now seamlessly add Trade, Service, and Task details to trips during creation.

Text Change:

  • The 'Check Notes' label has been updated to 'Work Order Notes' for clarity.

Interface Updates:

  • The Profile icon has been replaced with the Setting Icon for a more intuitive mobile user experience.

Invoice Enhancements:

  • Added Invoice TO Client Address field during Invoice Creation.
  • Introduced the ability to create Vendor Invoices directly from the Broker.

Added Ability to Select User as Themselves While Completing Tasks:

  • Users now have the flexibility to select themselves when completing tasks.

Removed Warning Message for Task Revisits:

  • The warning message for revisiting tasks has been removed, providing a smoother user experience.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Notes icon in Work Order List View which was not displayed if Notes are added from UC mobile app.
  • Resolved the problem where 'Unit of Measure' was not populated in Invoice Line Items for Materials added through Custom Form.
  • Fixed iPad users being unable to see the Signature Name Field during Check In/Out, causing user blockage.
  • Fixed Permanent Site and Client Instructions not being displayed on Mobile for Vendor.
  • Resolved the problem with Invoice attachments not displayed with correct file extension in emails.
  • Fixed problem with Due Date that will now pre-populate as per selected payment terms.
  • Resolved issue with Custom Form Signature displayed in Black Color.

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Enhancement & Bug Fix Announcement - 11/24/23

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • November 24, 2023


Employee Permissions:

Enhanced employee permissions by splitting them into Add, Edit, and Delete categories.

Work Order Bulk Upload:

Added Trip Client Billing Method in the Work Order Bulk Upload feature.

Work Order Frequency Scheduler:

Added a Work Order Description field on the Work Order Frequency Scheduler for ongoing agreements.

Third-Party Integration (Weather Work for Work Orders):

Improved the functionality of the third-party integration, specifically Weather Work for Work Orders.

Bug Fixes:

Bulk Cancel Work Orders:

Resolved errors related to the bulk cancel work orders functionality.

Trip Client Billing Method:

Corrected the functionality of the Trip Client billing method for invoicing when the Work Order billing method is Proposal.

Validation for Business Phone Number:

Corrected the validation for business phone numbers.

Offline Chat:

Fixed the offline chat where the email ID should not be the sender for offline chat messages.

Invoice Line Items:

Fixed an issue where Invoice Line Items were duplicating after reverting to Custom Status in Trip Invoice.

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