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Enhancement & Bug Fix Announcement - 11/24/23

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • November 24, 2023


Employee Permissions:

Enhanced employee permissions by splitting them into Add, Edit, and Delete categories.

Work Order Bulk Upload:

Added Trip Client Billing Method in the Work Order Bulk Upload feature.

Work Order Frequency Scheduler:

Added a Work Order Description field on the Work Order Frequency Scheduler for ongoing agreements.

Third-Party Integration (Weather Work for Work Orders):

Improved the functionality of the third-party integration, specifically Weather Work for Work Orders.

Bug Fixes:

Bulk Cancel Work Orders:

Resolved errors related to the bulk cancel work orders functionality.

Trip Client Billing Method:

Corrected the functionality of the Trip Client billing method for invoicing when the Work Order billing method is Proposal.

Validation for Business Phone Number:

Corrected the validation for business phone numbers.

Offline Chat:

Fixed the offline chat where the email ID should not be the sender for offline chat messages.

Invoice Line Items:

Fixed an issue where Invoice Line Items were duplicating after reverting to Custom Status in Trip Invoice.

Please reach out to or use the chat box below for any questions!

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Enhancement Announcement - 11/9/23

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • November 09, 2023

Beta Proposals Module!

We are thrilled to introduce an enhanced Proposals module that represents a significant improvement in creating and reviewing proposals. This new iteration offers an intuitive experience for both newcomers and seasoned users.

Key Features of the New Version:

  • Inclusion of Sent and Received Proposals: The updated module now encompasses both sent and received proposals.
  • Easy Access: You can find this new version conveniently located under the Operations tab, alongside the existing Proposal module.
  • Transition Plan: While the legacy Proposals module remains accessible, it is important to note that it will eventually be phased out. Rest assured, we will provide ample notice before its retirement.

Enhanced Segmentation:

SENT PROPOSALS: This section houses all the proposals you have dispatched to your clients. It is exclusively accessible to Brokers and Vendors.

RECEIVED PROPOSALS: This section compiles all the proposals you have received from your vendors. Access to this section is reserved for Brokers and Clients.

We believe that this revamped Proposals module will greatly improve your workflow and overall experience. Thank you for your continued support and engagement with our platform.


The "Sent Proposal" section will display all proposals sent by Brokers to Clients and all proposals sent by Vendors to Brokers (including proposals created on behalf of the Vendor by the Broker). Within the "Sent Proposal" section, you will find the following tabs:

To Be Sent: Includes all the “Draft” Proposals that are not yet sent.

Requires Action: Includes all the Proposals that require your attention such as a Proposal that has been rejected by your client . This tab includes Proposals with the following statuses:

  1. Sent
  2. Evaluating
  3. Rejected

3. Convert to Work Order: Includes “Approved” Proposals that have not yet had a WO created.

Important Note: Any proposal that receives approval and has a corresponding Work Order created will be accessible under the "Explore" tab > "Sent Proposal."

Enhancements in Sent Proposals:

1. Half View:

You can now enjoy a more streamlined experience when reviewing proposals in the list view.

Simply single-click a proposal or click the ellipsis (three dots) located on the right-hand side.

Choose "View" (as depicted in the image below) to open the proposal details, utilizing only half of the screen real estate.

Please take note: Clicking the ellipsis (three dots) will reveal a comprehensive list of available actions corresponding to the proposal's current status.

These enhancements have been introduced to enhance your efficiency when working with Sent Proposals, allowing for quick and convenient access to proposal details and associated actions.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Half View:

2. Proposals now have 4 panels to make it easier to create and review

Panel 1: Top

  • Left: Proposal ID
  • Right: Action Buttons, Print, Download, Share, Half/Full Switch, Close

Panel 2: Left

This panel contains all the information about the “Header” level Proposal information such as Client, Site, Contact, etc.

The left panel also includes various PDF related settings such as:

a) Show Client Signature: When checked, the system will include a section for Client Signature in the Proposal PDF.

b) Disabled displaying Individual Pricing of Line Items within PDF: When checked, the system will not display the line item level pricing in Proposal PDF.

c) Add Proposal Terms and Condition on PDF: When checked, the system will include the Terms and Conditions in the Proposal PDF.

Panel 3: Center

The section contains the Line Item details and a summary of the totals at the bottom.

Panel 4: Right

The section contains Attachments and Activities.


In the "Received Proposals" section, you will find all the proposals received by the Broker from a Vendor or received by a Client from a Broker. The primary action within this section is to review and approve proposals. While "Received Proposals" share similarities with "Sent Proposals," there are a few notable exceptions:

  1. Left Panel Content: In "Received Proposals," the left panel displaying General Information will indicate the sender of the proposal (i.e., Vendor) instead of the recipient.
  2. Non-Editable: Unlike "Sent Proposals," proposals in this section are not editable.
  3. New "Evaluate" Status: A new status, "Evaluate," has been introduced. This status allows you to inform the sender that you have received the proposal and acknowledge it, but you are not yet prepared to make an "Approve" or "Reject" decision.
  4. "Convert to Work Order" Tab: The "Convert to Work Order" tab will include all the received proposals that have been approved by the recipient, facilitating easy access to these approved proposals for further action.

These distinctions in the "Received Proposals" section have been designed to provide a clear and efficient process for reviewing and managing proposals received from Vendors and Clients.

Please reach out to or use the chat box below for any questions!

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Bugs & Enhancements Announcement - 10/6/23

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • November 07, 2023

We are proud to be releasing our new versions of the Invoicing (AR/AP) and Employees module to everyone! You will still have access to the old invoice module in-tandem.

Employee Module -

  • Employee (Beta) tab will be available to all users along with the legacy Employee module.
  • Redesigned Employees from the ground up to make it easier to find and add employees.
  • We’ve made it easier than ever to quickly invite new team members
  • Crew management has been streamlined, with a new easy-to-navigate interface.
  • New interface for adding and editing Roles makes managing permissions a breeze.
  • New filter bar makes it easier than ever to zero in on the records you need

AR/AP Module -

Receivables(Beta), Payables(Beta) and Payments(Beta) tabs will be available to users under the Accountings tab along with the legacy Invoice module.

Accounts Receivables

This tab focuses on all your client invoice related items that need your attention from creation to payment. We show you only what you need to care about - so when these tabs are empty - there is nothing actionable for you.

Accounts Receivable has 3 sub-tabs:

Generate Invoices

Start with a list of only those Clients that have work that is ready to be invoiced. This list is “nested” and follow this hierarchy:

Clients → Sites → Work Orders → Trips

You can use this list to select the Trips you want to Invoice:

  • i.e. Choose to invoice every invoice-able Trip for a single Client
  • i.e. Select only 4 Sites within a single Client
  • i.e. Select 13 specific Trips to invoice across 5 different Clients

Click “Generate Invoice” to quickly review & edit the invoice(s), and then choose to:

  • Save & Send
  • Save & Mark Sent
  • Save & Approve to Send
  • Save As Draft
  • Skip (No Invoice Generation)

Reminder: If your Invoice exceeds your Client NTE you will not be able to save or send the invoice.

Depending on your screen size, the review and edit UI will have 3 sections:

  • Left pane: Header level data for the Invoice such as Client, Site, Work Order, Trips, Contacts, Terms, etc.
  • Center pane: Line Item details for the work that has been completed. The system may automatically add Line Items to this section based on your configuration and the Invoice properties (left side of the screen).
  • Right pane: Attach supporting documents, view Notes and Activity.

Attention Invoices

View all the Invoices that require action.

  • i.e. Invoice that are in Draft or are Sent & Overdue

The two main actions will be:

  • Receive Payment
  • Edit

Generate standalone invoices by clicking the blue “+” on the upper right of the pane.

Clicking a row to view the invoice details on the right hand side of the screen. Double click to open the details in full-screen.


Analyze all of your Accounts Receivable data via our business intelligence platform.

Accounts Payable

This tab focuses on all the Vendor invoice related items that need your attention from creation to payment. We show you only what you need to care about - so when these tabs are empty - there is nothing actionable for you.

This page will be broken down into four sub-tabs:

Generate Invoices

Start with a list of only those Vendors that have work that is ready to be invoiced. This list is “nested” and follow this hierarchy:

Vendors → Sites → Work Orders → Trips

You can use this list to select which Trips for which you want to create Vendor Invoice(s)

  • i.e. Choose to invoice every invoiceable Trip for a single Vendor
  • i.e. Select only 4 Sites within a single Vendor
  • i.e. Select 13 specific Trips to invoice across 5 different Clients

Click “Generate Invoice” to quickly review & edit the invoice(s), and then choose to:

  • Save & Approve
  • Save & Mark Sent

Reminder: If the invoice exceeds the Vendor NTE you will not be able to save or send the invoice.

Depending on your screen size, the review and edit UI will have 3 sections:

  • Left pane: Header level data for the Invoice such as Vendor, Site, Work Order, Trips, Contacts, Terms, etc.
  • Center pane: Line Item details for the work that has been completed. The system may automatically add Line Items to this section based on your configuration and the Invoice properties (left side of the screen).
  • Right pane: Attach supporting documents, view Notes and Activity.

Pending Approval

  • View invoices that need to be reviewed and then approved or rejected.


  • View all approved invoices that are ready to be paid.
  • You will have the option to apply credits to invoices or pay using our Stripe integration


  • Analyze all of your Accounts Payable data via our business intelligence platform.

Additional Capabilities in AR/AP Module -

  • Broker’s can be alerted during Invoice approval when the Invoice is for a non-compliant vendor.
  • Users can skip creating any invoice in bulk creation wizard.
  • Bulk Action handling has been improved by clearer success and failure messages.
  • Custom ID will default to the WO Number when:
  1. The Broker is creating an invoice on behalf of Vendor
  2. The Broker selects 2 or more WOs for creating invoices.
  3. The Brokers have the Custom Invoice ID set to required in their settings.
  4. The Broker selects the option to skip the review of the Invoices during the bulk generate process for invoices.
  • Streamlined the invoice creation flow for a single WO.
  • Clicking any resource ID (ie WO, Event, Agreement) will open the details of that resource.
  • The background tasks provide better visibility into download and upload status.
  • The Item Name dropdown displays Item Names and Derived Rates that are more self evident.
  • Invoice Line Items display better on wider screen resolutions.
  • Added enhancement for Client (Receivable) invoice as “Attach WO Details” so that user can attach WO details such as Trip Description, Photos, Signature as WO report to invoice.


We're excited to announce the release of new features and enhancements to our invoicing module. Our goal is to continue to evolve the capabilities of our invoicing experience for brokers and vendors.

Batch Invoices:

  • Consolidate multiple Work Orders (WOs) into a single invoice to simplify consumption for your clients. Batch by Invoice per Site or Client.

Not to Exceed (NTE):

  • If a Broker has this turned on for Client’s invoices, when the broker exceeds the NTE the system will display an alert.
  • If a Broker has this turned on for Vendor invoices, when a Vendor exceeds the NTE they system will display an alert, and prevent the user from submitting the Invoice.
  • This follows the same rules and logic available in the legacy Invoice module.

Enhancements in other modules -

  • Attachment Transfer Enhancement - Broker users in the products and services module can now seamlessly attach files when creating a trade. These attachments will automatically link to any relevant work order generated for that trade, improving workflow efficiency.
  • The "Send Reminder" option in the Trip's kebab menu has been renamed to "Re-send Dispatch Email."
  • All UC users have been removed from Team Member lists.
  • Added a new "Hour" option in the unit of measure field within the items module.
  • Added a new setting File availability in invoice settings to control default enable for Make attachment available to client.

Bug Fixes in other modules -

  • Work Order Notes Icon Fix: The Notes icon in the Work Order List View, for notes added from the UC mobile app, has been fixed.
  • Background Task Fixes: Various issues with Background Tasks have been resolved.
  • Custom Form Fix: Custom Forms that were disappearing from saved templates under download reports have been addressed.
  • Work Order Template Generation Fix: The system now correctly displays saved templates for future Work Order report generation, allowing users to select custom templates from the dropdown. Custom forms are also visible in reports.
  • Sitefotos Integration Sync Updated: Sync functionality with Sitefotos integration has been fixed.
  • Service Level Priority Update Fix: Default Priority at the Service Level now updates as per the user's preferences.
  • Dispatch Trip Functionality Fix: The system now allows broker users to seamlessly dispatch trips when assigned to a Region.
  • Forward Vendor Invoice Functionality Fix: Broker users can now forward Vendor Invoices to clients even when mark-ups are added.
  • Rounding Functionality Fix: Default settings for rounding functionality applied when creating work orders have been fixed.

Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 9/11

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • September 18, 2023

An overview of our system update.

Hey there,

We've pushing some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements tomorrow.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!


1. Enhanced Trip Dispatch Logic for Non-Compliant Vendors:

- Users can now dispatch trips to non-compliant vendors when no team member is selected for "Approve Non-Compliant Vendors."

- Users have the flexibility to accept trips/vendors assigned to non-compliant vendors if the "Must Approve" option is unchecked.

- Trips will be automatically dispatched to vendors when work orders are created through Scheduled Services or External Applications, whether manually or automatically.

2. Tax Exempt Setting for Trade-Service:

- We have introduced new settings under Trade-Service to enable or disable tax exemption. When users select Trade-Service while adding a work order, the resulting invoice for that work order will have all line items marked as tax-exempt.

3. Vendor Invoice Edit Functionality:

- Users can now edit vendor invoices until they are approved. This flexibility allows users to update details in vendor invoices while the status remains "approved."

4. Enhanced Manual Adjustment for Work Orders Assigned to Region Team Members:

- We've improved manual adjustment for work orders assigned to Region Team Members. Now, only one team member is allowed to check in, streamlining the process and ensuring efficient handling.

Bug Fixes

1. Vendor List on WO Creation Form from Site and Maps:

- We've resolved an issue with the vendor list on the Work Order (WO) creation form from Site and Maps. The list now functions correctly, ensuring a smoother user experience.

2. Custom Work Order Status Update:

- Fixed a bug where custom work order statuses were not updating for users. This issue has been resolved, and now work order statuses will accurately reflect user actions.

These enhancements and bug fixes aim to provide a more efficient and error-free experience for our users. Thank you for your continued support and feedback.

Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 9/17

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • September 17, 2023

We will soon be releasing our AR/AP Beta version. For those of you who already have early access, we're excited to introduce v1.2, which includes improvements and bug fixes. If you don't yet have access to the AR/AP Beta, don't worry – you'll have access to this significantly improved version in the upcoming weeks. If you're eager to get early access, please contact our support team.

Overview of beta v1.2 of AR/AP:


  • "Not to Exceed" (NTE)
  • Batch Invoicing.
  • Additional Capabilities in AR/AP
  • Broker’s can be alerted during Invoice approval when the Invoice is for a non-compliant vendor.
  • Users can skip creating any invoice in bulk creation wizard.
  • Bulk Action handling has been improved by clearer success and failure messages.
  • Custom ID will default to the WO Number when
  • Streamlined the invoice creation flow for a single WO.
  • Clicking any resource ID (ie WO, Event, Agreement) will open the details of that resource.
  • The background tasks provide better visibility into download and upload status.
  • The Item Name dropdown displays Item Names and Derived Rates that are more self evident.
  • Invoice Line Items display better on wider screen resolutions.
  • Additional Capabilities in other modules

Bug Updates

  • Vendor invitation emails now automatically populate phone numbers and legal tax information.
  • The sequence of line items in multiple trip invoices has been optimized.
  • Alignment issues within Site nested groups have been resolved.
  • The download problem with zip attachments in received emails has been fixed.
  • Vendor invoice creation for multiple WOs has been addressed.
  • The "Errors!" message that used to appear when adjusting an unassigned vendor trip has been resolved.
  • Fixed the "Copy link to clipboard" feature on the create Client Invoice screen.
  • Many payment and credit-related issues have been addressed.
  • Material prices and descriptions are now populated in purchase orders (POs).
  • The Bulk Scheduler from the Map now correctly applies Team Members/Vendors for hidden sites.
  • The compliance tab now offers improved performance.

Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 9/5

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • September 05, 2023

An overview of our system update.

Hey there,

We've pushing some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements tomorrow.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!


  • Added enhancement in Edit Proposal to edit client and site. Users will only be able to edit the site and client for a proposal that is in draft status and is not associated with any work order.
  • Enhanced privacy feature for message on invoices so that privacy remains intact between broker, vendor and client.
  • Added enhancements in Advanced Bulk scheduler - 1.Locked Schedule button at the bottom so user does not have to scroll more. 2. Added Sequence numbering for each WO to the left, if the user adds a new Work order then a new row is added for site updating the sequence count.
  • User will now be receiving an email when the user is tagged private note irrespective of logged status.

Bug Resolution

  • Fixed the Trip filters on Work Order tab to show correct count of trip on it
  • Corrected photo sequence on Work Order report which was getting out of order after sync.
  • Added fixes for Trip Position Number and Service Selection when new trip is added from Workorder popup to show correct trip sequence.

Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 8/28

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 28, 2023

An overview of our upcoming system update.

Hey there,

We've pushing some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements tomorrow.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!

Enhancements -

  • Added a new notification email for Broker User for service requests when they are submitted by clients. This email will be received by the WO manager as it is working currently. Additionally, if no WO manager is associated then the Broker user can define which users should receive service request emails in WorkFlow settings >> Emails >>CONFIGURE EMAIL RECIPIENTS. If no role or (users) are define in this settings then, by default Service Request emails will be sent to users having role Admin and Admin with company settings
  • Added enhancement in Vendor Compliance to update the vendor compliance percentage if any Compliant Documents are added/updated.
  • Enhanced Client and Vendor tab to hide Approve/Reject link in Work order for Canceled Non compliant Trip.
  • Enhanced Activity under WOs to meet check in/out scenarios so Broker user 1. can see the vendor's check in and check out if the trip is assigned to the vendor. 2. if a trip is reassigned from 1 vendor to another then all check in/out done by vendors should be seen along with vendor company name.
  • Enhanced WO note email notification by adding third party (ServiceChannel, Corrigo, etc ) WO number in it for better information to users.
  • Enhanced template functionality in filters so now the user is able to save templates for all users within the company by selecting the Company Specific Template checkbox while saving the template.
  • Added enhancement in Vendor Compliance to update the vendor compliance percentage if any Compliant Documents are expired. Also added settings under workflow settings for controlling auto-calculation of vendor compliance percentage on document expiration.

Bug Resolution

  • Corrected Vendor contact number in WO Reports XLS when user edits it on portal.
  • Corrected trip reports so the vendor user can see relevant reports for him/er-self.
  • Corrected Invoice generation message “Work Order X is not included in the list” that was showing up randomly to the user.
  • Added corrections to Invoice total so the user does not get invalid validation message randomly
  • Corrected Standard WO Report so the user does not get random duplicate data in the report.
  • Corrected Proposal notification email. Should always be pushed out on the first rendition.
  • Corrected sync for Sisense Dashboard

Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 8/18

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 18, 2023

An overview of our upcoming system update.

Hey there,

We've pushing some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements tomorrow.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!

Enhancement -

Added New filters under Vendor List to filter Vendors with criteria - 1. Vendor Onboarded (with options a. Onboarded b. Non-Onboarded ) 2. Compliance (with options 1. Compliant 2. Non-Compliant)


Updated Notes functionality for SC integration wherein 1. Clients and Vendors will be notified of notes whenever received from SC with envelope icon 2. On clicking the Red Note icon on WO listview >> WO >>Actions >> Notes will redirect the user to the Client Notes section.

Enhanced Scheduled Services by adding validation for Recurring Scheduler, ETA, ETC and trip close.

Added restriction for User on Custom Status to disallow user to set the status as Inactive for status that are either in Initial Status or if Status is used in External integration mapping.

Fixed WO creation from Map >> Schedule Button and Site >> WO ,CIWO and TMIWO which was giving incorrect validation to User

Enhanced Scheduled services to generate AP invoices on WO status change for scheduled service work order.

Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 8/10

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 10, 2023

An overview of our upcoming system update.

Hey there,

We've pushing some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements tomorrow.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!

Enhancements -

  • Enhanced WO reports under WO detail page and WO list page. Now the user can save a template for WO detail report and WO custom report so the user does not have to select the report criteria every-time s/he wants to download the report. User just has to select the saved Template from template dropdown and download the report. Users can save as many as the template needed.
  • Enhanced WO notes functionality for Broker users to tag specific Site contacts, Client and Vendor team members. Also, when a note is sent to a client or vendor by tagging a particular team member then that team member will only receive notification unlike previous functionality where the entire company was notified.
  • Added enhancement to Proposal PDF to get Cover Letter, Proposal and Term & Condition in single pdf if Single Proposal PDF setting is turned ON. If the setting Single Proposal PDF is kept off then the user will receive a proposal as s/he receives in the current scenario ( 3 different PDFs for Cover Letter, Proposal and Term & Condition). User can find Setting Single Proposal PDF in WorkFlow settings >> Proposal
  • Added new settings such as "Allow updating Services after Work Order is synced" in SC integration to restrict updating trade and service in WO received from SC once it is synced in the UC app. If the setting is kept ON then the system will allow updating trade and service in WO as per updated in SC after the sync. If the setting is kept OFF then the system will not allow trade and service to be updated in WO as it has updated in SC after the sync.


  • Formatted billing information on Invoice for old/1st template to be displayed in following format -

Site Name

Company Name

PO Box (if applicable)

Street Address, Suite / Apt #

City, State, Zip

  • Removed 'Download Report' button under Sites.
  • Fixed canceled status for WOs when canceled in bulk.
  • Fixed downloading INS report for random WOs
  • Fixed selection criteria for downloading Inspection report where now users just have to select “Forms and Reports' >> “Equipment Reports' >> “Inspection” to download Inspection report .

Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 7/28

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • July 28, 2023

An overview of our latest system update.

Hey there,

We've just pushed some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!


  • Added new field as Work Order Name on WO Details screen and as new column in WO list view. Also in WO reports Standard, Simplified, Advanced, Task.
  • Updated the inventory source labels for a Broker while adding material to make them relevant as per selection from mobile app and web.
  • Updated footer text under Proposal to be more relevant for all templates.
  • Added automation for creating Billing reports and sending it to client on a scheduled time and frequency
  • Enhanced scheduled services functionality for assigning Site's Service specific Task to WO created through scheduled service.
  • Enhanced scheduled services functionality for assigning Priority level for ETA,ETC,Trip Close.
  • Tracking Activity for WO created by Contractor
  • Provided user ability to update/delete team member association to site via Site upload
  • Enhanced Time Tracker page where we display the assignee associated to work order


  • Fixed WO status where WO Trip Status was not updating from Waiting For Approval (Pink) To Verified
  • Fixed total tech count in individual invoice line item
  • Fixed Dispatch email to Team member who was receiving 2 Dispatch Email when a trip is already dispatched to a vendor for a work order.
  • Fixed accepting/rejecting trip functionality from non onboarded vendor through Email
  • Fixed scheduled services activate function for service assigned to Region team member
  • Updated UI to not display the vendors team member name on creating client invoice from Broker