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Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 7/21

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • July 21, 2023

An overview of our latest system update.

Hey there,

We've just pushed some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!

Bugs Fixes:

We have fixed a few important bugs to improve your experience with our platform.

  • Invoices were getting created for Inactive scheduled service (Agreement).
  • Bulk assign services under scheduled service where user was unable to add assignee manually.
  • Updated some validations on scheduled service of type Invoice based from complete Work Order - Equipment, testing and maintenance and Separate WorkOrder separate invoice - Equipment, testing and maintenance for 1) Adding services 2) Activation of scheduled service, if services are not added 3) Trade and Services
  • Updated scheduled services where Invoice was not getting created manually
  • Updated INS sheet report where Vendor billing rate was not populating
  • Updated Time Tracker Report download performance

Web Enhancements:

  • Change in Client/Vendor Invoice Icon for Status “not ready for billing” wherein users will now be more clear on vendor and client billing status for work orders from work order list view. An empty grey box will be displayed in the work order list view and detail view for clients/vendors when the work order is in a “not ready for billing” state. Along with this, a grey invoice icon will be displayed on the work order list view and detail view when client/vendor invoices are ready for billing.
  • New setting is added for NTE to restrict updating it after work order is synced from Service Channel in Service Channel Integrations. If the Setting is ON then the system will allow NTE update in UC even after work order is synced from Service Channel and if it is kept OFF, NTE will not be updated in UC.
  • Performance optimization done for Accumulated Task Report. Now the users will be able to download the Accumulated Task Report sooner than it was before.
Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • July 14, 2023

An overview of our latest system update

Hey there,

We've just pushed some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!


  • We have fixed an issue where users were unable to access union rates from the site modules when there were multiple trades assigned to a specific site.
  • We have fixed an issue on the Client relationship view that prevented users from accessing the Work Orders tab.
  • We have fixed an issue on the client portal where the work order creation date was displayed under the work order manager column.
  • We have fixed an issue where a “Vendor Request” email was being sent to clients when that client was created from an API/Integration
  • We have fixed an issue where the mass open/close work orders were not holding if users performed any actions on the list view.
  • We have fixed a performance issue with automated invoice reports which was preventing generation
  • We have fixed an issue that was preventing photos to properly sync from the mobile application. Please note this only affects users who are leveraging a SitePhotos Integration. All unsynced photos have also been successfully uploaded.
  • We have fixed an issue that was preventing users from adding assignees manually while bulk assigning services.

Web Enhancements:

  • On the work order list view when you click on the three ellipses the “Activity” option has been renamed to “Notes”
  • Date formatting issues corrected for vendor and team member trip dispatch emails. All dates will now be read in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • Show Signature Date & Time for On-Site Checkouts: Whenever a technician checks out with a signature while on-site, the Signature Date & Time will now be captured and displayed. This helps with precise tracking and verification of on-site work.
  • Auto-Population of Description Field from "Name" Field on Web: When viewing photos on the web interface, the "Description" field will now be populated from the "Name" field, reducing duplication and ensuring consistency.
  • The word “equipment” has been renamed to “asset” across the entire web application.
  • Auto-Population of Trade, Service, and Tasks in Trip Creation: To reduce the number of clicks and improve usability, all trades, services, and tasks will now auto-fill into the trip creation modal when a new trip is created within a work order. This applies to all three trip types: Trip with Defined Dates, Flexible Schedule Trips, and Recurring Trip Scheduler. Please note that if multiple trades are associated with the work order, the auto-population of service and task will only happen after a trade has been selected by the user.
  • Added new settings as Purchase Orders in Workflow settings for adding custom text in footer.
Product update

AP/AR/Batch Release

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • June 26, 2023

An overview of our latest release features.

Hey there,

We are proud to release our beta version of our AR/AP module!

Please note:

  • If you are leveraging Broker to Broker, proposal or weather based workflow, this functionality will not yet work for you.
  • If you are leveraging invoicing on the current system, this will not affect your workflow.
  • If you have a QBO/QBD Integration, batch invoicing will not yet sync into your financial systems.

We would love to hear any and all feedback you have so we can continue to make improvements!

If you have any questions, please contact or message us using the chat on the upper right of the menu!

Accounts Receivables

This tab focuses on all your client invoice related items that need your attention from creation to payment. We show you only what you need to care about - so when these tabs are empty - there is nothing actionable for you.

Accounts Receivable has 3 sub-tabs:

Generate Invoices

Start with a list of only those Clients that have work that is ready to be invoiced. This list is “nested” and follow this hierarchy:

Clients → Sites → Work Orders → Trips

You can use this list to select the Trips you want to Invoice:

  • i.e. Choose to invoice every invoice-able Trip for a single Client
  • i.e. Select only 4 Sites within a single Client
  • i.e. Select 13 specific Trips to invoice across 5 different Clients

Click “Generate Invoice” to quickly review & edit the invoice(s), and then choose to:

  • Save & Send
  • Save & Mark Sent
  • Save & Approve to Send
  • Save As Draft
  • Skip (No Invoice Generation)

Reminder: If your Invoice exceeds your Client NTE you will not be able to save or send the invoice.

Depending on your screen size, the review and edit UI will have 3 sections:

  • Left pane: Header level data for the Invoice such as Client, Site, Work Order, Trips, Contacts, Terms, etc.
  • Center pane: Line Item details for the work that has been completed. The system may automatically add Line Items to this section based on your configuration and the Invoice properties (left side of the screen).
  • Right pane: Attach supporting documents, view Notes and Activity.

Attention Invoices

View all the Invoices that require action.

  • i.e. Invoice that are in Draft or are Sent & Overdue

The two main actions will be:

  • Receive Payment
  • Edit

Generate standalone invoices by clicking the blue “+” on the upper right of the pane.

Clicking a row to view the invoice details on the right hand side of the screen. Double click to open the details in full-screen.


Analyze all of your Accounts Receivable data via our business intelligence platform.

Accounts Payable

This tab focuses on all the Vendor invoice related items that need your attention from creation to payment. We show you only what you need to care about - so when these tabs are empty - there is nothing actionable for you.

This page will be broken down into four sub-tabs:

Generate Invoices

Start with a list of only those Vendors that have work that is ready to be invoiced. This list is “nested” and follow this hierarchy:

Vendors → Sites → Work Orders → Trips

You can use this list to select which Trips for which you want to create Vendor Invoice(s)

  • i.e. Choose to invoice every invoiceable Trip for a single Vendor
  • i.e. Select only 4 Sites within a single Vendor
  • i.e. Select 13 specific Trips to invoice across 5 different Clients

Click “Generate Invoice” to quickly review & edit the invoice(s), and then choose to:

  • Save & Approve
  • Save & Mark Sent

Reminder: If the invoice exceeds the Vendor NTE you will not be able to save or send the invoice.

Depending on your screen size, the review and edit UI will have 3 sections:

  • Left pane: Header level data for the Invoice such as Vendor, Site, Work Order, Trips, Contacts, Terms, etc.
  • Center pane: Line Item details for the work that has been completed. The system may automatically add Line Items to this section based on your configuration and the Invoice properties (left side of the screen).
  • Right pane: Attach supporting documents, view Notes and Activity.

Pending Approval

  • View invoices that need to be reviewed and then approved or rejected.


  • View all approved invoices that are ready to be paid.
  • You will have the option to apply credits to invoices or pay using our Stripe integration


  • Analyze all of your Accounts Payable data via our business intelligence platform.

Batch Invoicing

We're excited to announce the release of new features and enhancements to our invoicing module. Our goal is to continue to evolve the capabilities of our invoicing experience for brokers and vendors.

Batch Invoices: Consolidate multiple Work Orders (WOs) into a single invoice to simplify consumption for your clients. Select from different PDF invoice templates and your grouping level (ie 1 Invoice per Site or Client).

NTE Limit Alerts: Receive real-time alerts during invoice review and vendor invoice creation when the invoice total exceeds the Not-To-Exceed (NTE) limits set by brokers. Adjust line items as needed to address NTE limits and prevent “surprise” invoice amounts.

For Client Invoice, this is just an alert. Client Invoices can be submitted even when the Work Order Total exceeds the Client NTE.

For Vendor Invoices, depending on your settings, the Vendor will be blocked from submitting invoices that exceed the NTE.

  • When this setting is on, Save and other secondary actions will be blocked until all NTE warnings are addressed.
  • When this setting is off, nothing will be blocked, but the Alerts will still display.

Click the link below to watch a quick video on the new module!

If you have any questions, please reach out to or message us on the platform via our Live Chat!

Product update

Material Capture, Multiple Techs Onsite and More!

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • May 23, 2023

An overview of our latest release features coming soon! Please note these features are not released yet.

Hey there,

We are happy to introduce a few new features to help streamline your workflows.

We would love to hear any and all feedback you have so we can continue to make improvements!

If you have any questions, please contact or message us using the chat on the upper right of the menu!

Material Capture

We are excited to announce that materials entered by the Technicians on the mobile app are now available on the WO and will be included on the resulting Invoice.

Enhanced Material Capture Setup:

There are 3 ways to add Material to a Work Order via the Mobile app and are configurable in our settings:

  • Repair Form
  • Custom Form
  • Time and Task Service

Materials captured on mobile will be sent to the Materials tab on the WO, and then to the Invoice.

Improved Material Capture on Mobile

1. Materials added to the WO on Web will auto-populate on the Mobile app after Check In

2. Edit material quantity

3. Add additional Materials

4. Set the inventory source to either "Provided by Client" & "Provided by My Company".

  • When set to Provided by Client these materials will not be invoice-able by the Vendor
  • When set to Provided by My Company these materials will be invoice-able by the Vendor

Inventory Source Selection on Web

Add and edit inventory source for each material line item in WO Full View.

Update/Add the Material Source

  • Provided by Client
  • Provided by My Company

Changes in inventory source will be logged in the Activity Feed.

Invoicing Enhancements

  • Billable Materials now get sent to Invoices.
  • When the material source is “Provided by Client” these materials will not be invoice-able by the Vendor
  • When the material source is “Provided by My Company” these materials will be invoice-able by the Vendor
  • All Materials appear on all Client invoices regardless of the material source.

Multiple Team Member Check-In

We are excited to introduce the ability for many technicians to check into a WO and have this flow through to Invoices. This provides greater check-in flexibility and control and reduces invoice inaccuracies due to many techs onsite at once.

Please note, upon check-in, there will be a new field which allows you to input total tech's on site. You DO NOT need to enter any information and here can simply click "Confirm Check In" to proceed.

Capture all the Technicians that are onsite

We now support two ways to capture when many techs are onsite:

1. Each technician checks into the Trip themselves. This is the preferred method since:

  • This is validated data via GPS.
  • You will get time capture for each technician

2. Any Checked in user can set the "Total Techs Onsite" in the situation where each tech can’t check in themselves.

  • This user can also indicate which Technicians are with them by name
  • The time onsite will be the same for all these technicians

Please note this works with CIWO, Bulk Dispatch, and On-Demand WOs.

Vendor Tech Assignments and Check-in

  • Vendor users (with "Can Edit" permission) can assign 1 or more techs to a WO.
  • Any of the Vendor’s techs that are assigned to the WO can check into the same trip.
  • The WO will capture all the Techs that check in and how long they were onsite.

Configuration & Editing

  • New config setting "Total Techs Onsite" added to Tasks Timers.
  • WO managers can edit the "Total Techs Onsite" at Trip and Task Level via the web

Improved Invoice Labor Calculation

Invoice labor calculation is now based on ALL the techs that checked in.

Two methods of check-in:

1. Individual techs checking in (preferred)

  • Each tech’s time onsite is used in the labor calculation

2. Tech A checking in on behalf of other techs

  • All of these techs are assumed to be onsite for the same duration of time

Invoice line item description includes the number of techs checked in and their names.

Photos on Web & Mobile Apps

We're excited to introduce new features that enhance the map experience for brokers, vendors, and team members. These updates provide improved visibility and user experience across multiple devices.

Location Check-Ins and Photos on Map:

  • Display checked-in users and geo-tagged photos on the map view for brokers on web and mobile.
  • See the name, and photo of the Vendor tech / Team Member next to Site pins for checked-in WOs.

Travel Time User Status:

  • When the tech is late, the user's profile picture will show 50% opacity and yellow status color.
  • Once complete the pin will revert to gray, and then green once they checked out, until someone else checks in.

Bug Fixes & Micro Enhancements

  • Proposal numbers getting cutoff on PDFs has been fixed
  • Mass open/close work orders not holding during infinity scroll is now fixed
  • Other minor system bugs

Micro Enhancements

  • Update to proposal language in the client signature section on template #5
  • The ability to edit and delete vendor alerts is now implemented.
  • Notes that are received from ServiceChannel are now visible in client notes instead of private notes.
  • Service Request: Priority levels as defined in your company settings will now auto populate into the description form on Step 2 of the service request. Users can now simply enter the corresponding number to define their priority.
  • Copy Trip Enhancement: Please note you will have two options when copying a trip: Copy & Create which takes the exact same ETA, ETC and trip close times. Copy & Edit which allows you to choose new times.

If you have any questions, please reach out to or message us on the platform via our Live Chat!

Product update

Release Notes 3/24/2023

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • March 24, 2023

An overview of our latest release features.

Hey there,

We have made updates across the platform including feature optimizations, new enhancements and bug fixes. The steps below will guide you on how to take advantage of this new capability.

If you have any questions, please contact or message us using the chat on the upper right of the menu!

Auto Assign WO Manager from Sites & Agreements: Streamlined Work Order Management

Imagine a world where work orders are automatically assigned to the right manager based on trade and site. With Auto Assign, that world is now a reality. Set up trade-specific Work Order Managers for your sites and agreements, and your Work Orders will inherit these managers automatically. For example, if Sally Jones is set up as the WO Manager for Site ABC, anytime a WO is created for Site ABC, Sally Jones will auto-populate into the WO Manager field on the WO details page. This powerful feature simplifies WO creation, ensures the right person is assigned to WOs, and sends email notifications, regardless of the creation method.

Verify Trip - Edit: Ensuring Trip Data Integrity

Work verification integrity is crucial when managing trips. We updated Trip Verification such that it now requires users to unverify a Trip to make edits or adjustments. This prevents accidental modifications and keeps your Trip data accurate and reliable.

Auto Generate Invoices on Manual Custom WO Status Change: Flexible Invoice Generation

Invoicing just got easier. Configure your company settings to auto-generate invoices when a WO is set to a specific Custom Status. You can tailor the invoicing process to meet your business needs, ensuring smooth and efficient billing operations. Please note autogeneration will impacted by the settings listed below:

  • If Work Order Invoice Generation is Upon Work Order Completion and Allow invoicing on UNVERIFIED TRIPS is ON then ALL TRIPS must be COMPLETED (not verified) before an invoice can be created.
  • If Work Order Invoice Generation is Upon Work Order Completion and Allow invoicing on UNVERIFIED TRIPS is OFF then ALL TRIPS must be VERIFIED before an invoice can be created.
  • If Work Order Invoice Generation is Upon Any Billable Item and Allow invoicing on UNVERIFIED TRIPS is ON then at least ONE TRIP must be COMPLETED (not verified) before an invoice can be created (and only for that completed trip).
  • If Work Order Invoice Generation is Upon Any Billable Item and Allow invoicing on UNVERIFIED TRIPS is OFF then at least ONE TRIP must be VERIFIED before an invoice can be created (and only for that verified trip)

Remove Department - Invoice Creation: Enhanced Invoice Customization

Reveal Items not associated with any department by simply removing the department from the Invoice. This feature is supported by an informative icon, and enables a more organized and seamless invoice creation experience.

Receive Vendor Invoice Only Shows Invoice-able Trips

Receiving Vendor Invoices now only displays trips that are “Ready for Billing”, and takes into consideration your WO invoice generation settings. This simplifies billing, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.

Custom Status Activity Post: Improved Vendor-Broker Collaboration

Monitor Custom Status changes that happen through UC and Service Channel platforms. This improves transparency and collaboration between vendors and brokers.

Map View - Fast Access to Vendor Details & Contact Information

Quickly access vendor contact information during WO creation from the “Map” module. Select a vendor on the map, and view their email, phone number, and compliance percentage.

Client/Site Edit UX Redesign

The Client & Site edit wizard is now similar to the Vendor Profile edit wizard making it easier to learn and use. The experience is now more unified across all modules.

Pencil Icon Update

Please note, in order to now edit a site, client or vendor you must click the eyeball button and then automatically land on the edit tab to make any necessary changes.

Find Assignee Information Quicker

Now you can quickly see assignee information from the WO listing page (without going into the details). View the WO Manager, send notes, and access full names and phone numbers of Team Members or Vendors. This feature fosters communication by simplifying how you contact the people involved in a WO.

Item Linking Enhancements

We enhanced the Item linking process to help users link Services that are not associated with an Item on Proposals, POs, and Invoices. When you select a Service that isn't linked to an Item and click "Link Item(s)," the system will automatically default the Generic Item fields based on your Income & Expense account setup. Default Income & Expense accounts will be determined using Item Type and Company Settings. This works for many scenarios such as Broker-to-Broker, Vendors-to-Broker, Brokers-to-Client, and Brokers creating Invoices/Proposals on behalf of Vendors.

Create missing Sites on-the-fly during Work Order Creation

Spend less time adding a missing Site during the Work Order (WO) creation flow.

Relational View for Clients, Vendors & Sites: Improved UI

Edit screens are now conveniently located in separate tabs, and new "Analytics" and "Profile”

tabs have been added for data visualization and profile information. This simplifies navigation and provides valuable insights for managing Clients, Vendors, and Sites.

Get Important Vendor Alerts before Dispatching them Work

Now you can be alerted to relevant information about your Vendors before you send them work to help you make more informed dispatch decisions.

The new "Notes & Alerts" tab on the vendor profile allows you to create notifications such as:

  • Vendor ABC’s truck has broken down for the day.
  • Vendor XYZ has been showing up very late recently.
  • Vendor MMM has not been as responsive as they once were.

Alerts are displayed during single Work Order creation, batch WO creation, and on the Site listing page.

Recruit Form Assignment: Streamlined Vendor Invitation Process

Collect customized information about your prospective Vendors before making an onboarding decision. Add your own questions for them to answer as part of filling out their profile such as:

  • Certifications
  • Years in business
  • The number of techs they employ
  • Cumulative years of Plumbing experience amongst their technicians
  • etc.

Recruit Form on Vendor Profile: Easy Access to Vendor Applications

Access and review vendor applications & your custom form questionnaires effortlessly with our new "Applications" tab on the vendor profile. Brokers can easily review single or multiple recruit surveys, improving the overall decision making regarding vendor applications.

Agreement Enhancement for Region Team Members: Improved Bulk Assignment

Efficiently assign an entire region of Team Members to an agreement. Add services and assign regions as needed, speeding up the Agreement creation process.

Tax Updates: Improved Rounding and Calculations

We made an update to our rounding, tax, and margin/markup calculations for Invoices, POs, and Proposals. The platform now uses standard rounding (.5 or above rounds up and less then .5 rounds down). Additionally, the Aggregate Tax % has been converted to a dollar amount in the total section and on each line item. This change has been applied to margin/markup calculations, ensuring consistency across all documents including PDFs.

Extended Work Order / Trip Change History

We have enhanced the Activity feed change log with additional Work Order / Trip data, providing greater visibility into who & when changes to key fields were made. The Activity Feed log now includes Services, Tasks, Custom Status, Client NTE, Vendor Assignment, Trip Cancel, and Vendor NTE. This allows users to know who made changes, when the changes were made, and the specific data update (including original and new data). In addition, we fixed a bug to ensure the Activity Feed displays the Company and User information for Work Orders created through Bulk Dispatch or Bulk Upload.

Accumulated Task Report: Enhanced Data Accuracy and Speed

We improved data accuracy and efficiency with our improved Accumulated Task Report. Say goodbye to duplicate task records and repeated sites. Plus, get ready for enhanced download speed, coming soon, to make accessing your task data even faster and more convenient!

If you have any questions, please reach out to or message us on the platform via our Live Chat!

Product update

Release Notes 2/07/2023

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • February 07, 2023

An overview of our latest release features.

Hey there,

We have optimized our rates module to further automate how rates are populated onto invoices. The steps below will guide you on how to take advantage of this new capability.

If you have any questions, please contact or message us using the chat on the upper right of the menu!

Step 1. Ledger Accounts

The first step in taking advantage of this new automation, is to ensure you have your income and expense accounts set up in Accounting > Ledger Accounts tab and. If you have an accounting integration (ie QuickBooks Online / QuickBooks Desktop) turned on, your ledger accounts will automatically populate into UtilizeCore.

Please note that if you do not have your default income / expense account defined, when you create a new Item from a bulk upload, then the system will automatically create default accounts for you (Default Income Account | Default Expense Account).

Step 2: Default Income / Expense Accounts

To simplify navigate to Gear Icon > Workflow > Accounting > Ledger Accounts (formerly Chart of Accounts). Here you set up your default income / expense accounts. These defaults will pre-populate the accounts when you create a new Trade.

Income / Expense Hierarchy: The system will use the Income / Expense accounts at the service level first, then the Trade level, and then the Company Settings level.

  1. Service
  2. Trade
  3. Default income and Expense Account (Workflow > Accounting)

Step 3: Services

Trade, Services, Tasks and Rates all now live in a single page, which makes it significantly simpler to consume and set these up. Navigate to the Product & Services > Services tab.

The first level of this listing are your Trades. Click the down arrow (on the far right) of a Trade to open up its Services. Click on the down arrow on the far right of a Service to open up its Tasks.

Creating a New Service

Now, all Services will require the following fields:

  • Income / Expense Account
  • Description
  • TaxJar Code
  • Work Order Level -- Default Priority, Generate Client Invoice
  • Trip Level -- Default Client Billing Method, Default Vendor Billing Method

Work Order + Trip Level Defaults

We added new default value configurations to make it even easier to create WOs and Trips:

Please note that if more than one service is selected on a work order then these default options will not be applied to the WO.

Step 4: Defining Rates

After setting up your Trades, Services and Tasks, it’s time to set up your Rates. Navigate to Products & Services > Services > Rates & Assignees. There you define rates for the following Billing Methods (which are in Tabs):

  1. Per Hour
  2. Per Service
  3. Per Task
  4. Equipment Task, Time & Material
  5. Per Event

Each row is a specific rate definition. Clicking on a Client, Site or Vendor and you will go to that specific page for updates.

When you create a new Rate, a new Item Name will be automatically generated and saved against the rate type, which will populate the Item Descriptions on Invoices, Proposals and Purchase Orders.

Rates follow the following hierarchy when populating Invoices, Proposals and Purchase Orders:

  1. Site Assignee
  2. Site Generic
  3. Client Assignee
  4. Client Generic
  5. Vendor Assignee
  6. Vendor Generic
  7. Generic

Client & Site Rate Setup

Upon clicking "+Trade Service & Billing Method" a new modal will appear:

Previously, you had to select a service and then all the billing methods would appear. Now, while adding your service, you have the ability to define your billing methods that you provide to your clients.

Billing methods define how you pay and get paid. For example, a per task billing method for your client, means that you will get paid for each task that you perform.

A time and material billing method for your vendor means that you will pay your vendor hourly and for the materials they use.

Derived Items

We introduced “Derived Items” which are associated with generic items. Derived Items further detail the Rates by Trade Service, Client, Vendor, Labor Type, Billing Method, Union Status, and Rate Type. A Derived Item is created for each unique combination of the Inputs listed above.


If you are billing snow plowing (Trade Service) per Service (Billing Method) for a skid steer (Labor Type) you will have Regular, Overtime, and Double Time (Rate Type) for both Union and Non Union workers (Union Status). There will be both client (what you sell your service for) and vendor (what you buy your labor for) rates. Each combination will be a single Derived Rate.

Item Name:

Regular - NonUnion - Skid Steer - Snow Plowing - Demo Client

This enables further automation of ad-hoc Invoices and Proposals, you will have the ability to select any Derived Rates when building either.

Please note that any existing rates that have never been generated into a client or vendor invoice/proposal or purchase order will not have an item association. If so, you will be required to "link and item" where you can choose an existing item or type a new item into the modal that appears. You can no longer freeform create Item Names directly from proposal, invoice or purchase order generation.

Step 5: Generating Resources

Generating Invoices

When generating an ad-hoc client or vendor invoice if there is no Item linked to the Rate selected, then you will see an option to easily associate an Item with that Rate.

You are not able to save or send Invoices, Proposals or Purchase Orders if the Item Name is not linked to an actual Item. The system will notify you if you need to take an action to link an item with a hyperlinked message.

Upon clicking the “Link Item” you will see the following pop up:

You will now have the ability to customize your items based on your business's needs. Upon clicking the dropdown, you will see a list of items that you had previously used. Please select one for Preventative Maintenance and On Demand rate. In terms of your income and expense accounts (Step 1) these should automatically populate based on your previously defined settings.

Once you complete this screen, you will be able to save and send.

Step 6: Bulk Upload Templates

The bulk upload templates are now available for all billing methods which will be available on the Services Module and Sites Module

  1. Per Hour
  2. Per Service
  3. Per Task
  4. Equipment Task, Time & Material
  5. Per Event

The filtered excel template is available at the Site module:

Apart for the ability to upload as per the old upload templates the enhanced upload files now allow the upload of:

  • Generic Rates
  • Assignee Rates
  • CIWO/TIWO Yes/No
  • Item Name
  • Item Code
  • Tax Code
  • Income Account
  • Expense Account
  • Assigning Team Members and Regional Team Members
  • Remove Assignee

This can be done for the following rates:

  • Site Generic Rate
  • Site Assignee Rate
  • Client Generic Rate
  • Client Assignee Rate
  • Vendor Generic Rate
  • Vendor Assignee Rate
  • Generic Rate

The bulk uploaders will work as they always have, but some enhancements have been made.

If a new Item Name is uploaded from the Rates bulk upload, then the system will assign an Income / Expense account following the hierarchy below:

  1. Service
  2. Trade
  3. Default Income and Expense Account (defined at company settings)

Paid Companies Only: If there are no Income and Expense accounts defined at the Trade, Service and Default levels, then the system will automatically create general accounts for that specific item.

If you have any questions, please reach out to or message us on the platform via our Live Chat!

Product update

Release Notes 1/09/2023

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • January 09, 2023

An overview of our latest release features.

1. Automated Work Order Statuses

We have made it significantly easier to know when a WO needs your attention via a new system defined Work Order status. At any moment every WO has a system set status:

  • Action Required
  • In Progress
  • Complete
  • Closed-Archived.
  • Canceled (Coming Soon)

Any WO set to Action Required has some related resource / object that is waiting on you to take action to keep the WO progressing. The new WO status is calculated by looking at the Statuses of all the resources related to the WO, such as Trips, Purchase Orders, Proposals, and Invoices. If any of the Statuses on the associated resources require action, then the WO Status will be “Action Required”. If no resources require action then the WO status will be “In Progress”.A WO is set to “Complete” once all resources on the WO are done, and “Closed-Archived” when the WO is Complete and it is past its WO Close Date.

You can find a list of all WO statuses, organized by resource status and company type (Broker, Vendor, Client), by following this link.

When a work order has an "Action Required" status, you can hover over the status icon to view information about which resources required action. The WO statuses automatically update as the resource statuses update. Remember, an "Action Required" WO, means you need to take action on it.

We have maintained the original internal WO Status field and have renamed it to “Custom WO Status”. This field can be used to further understand the health of a work order (ie Extended or Sub Statuses such as “Ready for Billing” / “Auto Generate Invoices”). You can still configure your custom WO Statuses (label, color and icon) in company settings.

Furthermore, we've removed the functionality to delete a trip. Now, you can cancel a trip and modal will appear asking you to give a cancellation reason which will send an email to the vendor, change the trip status to cancelled and grey out the trip on the work order detail + list view.

2. Work Order & Trip Filters

We made it vastly simpler to find Trips and WOs that require your attention.

We added easy-access filter buttons to the top of the work order or calendar views. These buttons include actionable Trip and WO statuses that when clicked will filter the WO/Trip list. These buttons also have a count of the Trips that are in each Status so you get a quick “Overview” of how many Trips need your attention. Any Trip Status with a count of zero will no longer display to help you focus on just those statuses that have Trips associated with them.

These buttons are synced with the filters in the left side filter pane. To clear all the filters, click "Show all Trips" or clear the filters from the side filters.

Please note: The default filtering for this listing is now only WOs that are "Action Required," "In Progress," and "Complete". This keeps your WO list smaller and easier to manage. You can always manually add additional WO Statuses in the left filter pane.

The filters at the top are dynamic and are removed from the header bar when they have been actioned.

3. Recurring Trips

You can now set up recurring trip (scheduled services) for Work Orders (on-demand or agreement-based) for vendors and team members. You can choose from several options for scheduling trips: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom. You can also add multiple trip schedules for different vendors and team members under the same Work Order to make your operations and accounting more efficient. To create a recurring schedule, you can use the "recurring schedule trip" tab in the Work Order creation modal or the agreement setup wizard.

4. New Verified Trip Statuses

With Verified Trips, you can make sure the work meets your standards and prevent invoicing until the work has been “Verified”. As a default, Service Management Companies and Vendors will still be able to invoice unverified trips. There is a new company setting that will restrict users from invoicing unverified trips. This can be found by navigating to the Invoice>Invoice Creation>Allow Clients to Invoice Unverified Trips / WOs.

After service is completed the Vendor and Service Management Company will verify the work. A vendor can only un-verify a trip if the Service Management Company (work order dispatcher) has not yet verified it. After the Service Management Company verifies the trip, the vendor won't be able to un-verify or verify it.

You can verify trips by going to the trip dropdown on the Work Order full view or list view and clicking the action button on the far right.

Furthermore, you will be able to verify either per service or the entire trip.

5. Internal Team Member Profit & Loss

For self performed work you can now manage accurate profit & loss statements. You can now associate hourly rates (General, Overtime and Doubletime) to your internal technicians user profile. Additionally, materials added to the WO are included in the cost calculation for self-performed work..

The costing data is available on:

  1. The work order custom report download with four new columns: Internal labor / material costs, vendor labor costs, supplier material costs and profit/loss.
  2. On each WO under the Invoice tab.

6. Work Order Report Optimization

We've made significant improvements to the work order report download so that you can create highly customizable reports. You can now toggle the following fields on and off:

  • Cover Page
  • Include Trip Attachments
  • Show Work Order Description
  • Show Trip Description
  • Show Check in and Check Out times
  • Display Vendor Details
  • Open Days
  • Check in Photos Report
  • Permanent Site Instructions
  • Permanent Client Instructions
  • Field Signature
  • Report Signature
  • Store Stamp
  • Store Section
  • Work Order Notes
  • Repair Notes
  • Material

Feature update

Work Order Status Automation Guide

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • January 09, 2023

A guide to work order status automation

Hey there,

Below you will find broker, vendor and client guides to the work order status automation mappings. Each sheet contains the statuses and resources which will dictate how and why a particular work order in a specific status.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us via the Intercom messenger.




Product update
Coming Soon

Roadmap Updates!

Ryan avatar
Shared by Ryan • November 11, 2022

Hi there,

We wanted to take a moment to connect with you to share some internal updates on our side.

First and foremost, we want to extend our deepest appreciation for the trust and time your company has invested in UtilizeCore. You are the driving force of everything we do here. Our main goal is to enable you to become a world class service management operator. We are working hard building and optimizing new workflows based on your feedback.

Service Wallet Updates:

  • Service Store: Configure services, rates, tasks, sites, clients, vendors, descriptions and more!
  • Bulk import and export of all service and service rate data fields
  • AR / AP: User Friendly, Next-Gen Automated: Accounts Receivable / Accounts Payable Experience

Generate / Receive Invoices off of complete work orders, trips, agreements, events and proposals

Auto Populate Service Data Directly Into Line Items

Manage receivables and collect payments from customers

  • Online Payments: Pay and get paid online with credit card & ACH from Clients and to Vendors
  • Upgraded Accounting Integrations: Quickbooks Online, Quickbooks Desktop

Service Automation Updates:

  • Advanced Service Exception Management: Work Order and Trip Status Automation
  • Streamlined Service Verification: Verify services before they are billed
  • System Notifications: Assign and alert team members, vendors and clients of any work order or trip status
  • Updated system email design with company specific domains configuration
  • 3rd Party FM Integrations: Service Channel Invoicing, Corrigo

Vendor Sourcing:

  • Invite vendors to configurable, trade specific applications

Subscriber Requests:

  • We've heard you and are prioritizing each of your specific requests
  • New SOP for Enhancement Submission

Thank you,

Your UtilizeCore Team

Ryan Gottfried, CEO

Serge Lubensky, Integrations

Jeremy Chase, Engineering

Jordan Bergtraum, Product